released this
04 Jun 08:23
277 commits
to develop
since this release
This release contains the following PRs:
- #38: Update repository to make sure generated docker-compose file works on Mac
- #39: Update documentation
- #40: Remove unused code from backend
- #41: Add script to re-schedule files marked as COPY_ERROR or ROOTFILE_ERROR by worskpace
- #42: chore: remove restart: always from postgres and redis in gencompose-self-contained.py
- #43: fix: plots width and height style in lumisection view
- #44: fix: set err_trace to None after pre_extract and post_load steps in file_downloader and file_ingesting pipelines
- #45: refactor: add automatic retry to file_ingesting pipeline for PipelineCopyError or PipelineRootfileError custom exceptions
- #46: fix: catch jwcrypto ValueError and raise InvalidToken when trying to load access token
- #47: refactor: support re-ingesting files that were successfully ingested but specify different MEs not present in etl.config.json
- #48: fix: issue_device_token raising KeycloakPostError unecessarily
- #49: refactor: update cache ttl default value to fix redis memory requests exceeded issue
- #50: refactor: enable sql queries logging using DJANGO_ENABLE_SQL_LOGS env var
- #51: refactor: update gunicorn deployment
- #52: Refactor ETL to automatically create partitions based on dataset_id