is a successor to the 415-tester. Its name is derived by being a test runner for a compiler class that likes dragon iconography. dragon-runner
has dual functions for students and graders. For students it serves as unit tester, versaitle to use over arbitrary toolchains through a generic JSON configuration language. For graders dragon-runner is an swiss army knife of sorts. It wraps scripts for building, gathering tests, and meta JSON configuration which are useful for herding an arbitrary number of compiler submissions into place. It also can run tests in a tournament mode, where each submitted compier and test-suite pair is ran in a cross product with every other submission. The tournament mode produces a CSV output according to the CMPUT 415 grading scheme.
Requires: python >= 3.8
To get dragon-runner
on your CLI build the package and install it locally with pip.
git clone https://github.com/cmput415/Dragon-Runner.git
cd Dragon-Runner
pip install .
dragon-runner --help
If dragon-runner
is not found on $PATH
try adding ~/.local/bin
Please feel free to make a PR. The previous tester had plenty of contributions from students, we hope dragon-runner will as well.
The configuration file is in JSON format:
"testDir": "<path_to_input>",
"testedExecutablePaths": {
"ccid_or_groupid": "<path_to_executable>"
"runtimes": {
"ccid_or_groupid": "<path_to_SHARED_library>"
"toolchains": {
"toolchain_name": [
"stepName": "step 1",
"executablePath": "<path_to_executable>",
"arguments": ["arg1", "arg2", ...],
"output": "<output_file_name>",
"usesRuntime": true,
"usesInStr": true
Dragon runner implements the same config semantics as the 415-tester. Reference the documentation there in lieu of a complete migration.
For any bugs or other problems please file a github issue.