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Dustforce Recolour


Step 1. Manual:

  • Download the appropriate version of NW.js for your operating system.
  • The current version of NW.js the app uses is 0.46.0, so that or most newer versions should work.
  • Extract to any location.
  • Download package.nw.7z.
  • Extract that into the NW.js directory.
    • On MacOS, extract to Contents/Resources and rename from package.nw to app.nw.
    • Alternatively you can run it from the command line: CD into package.nw then run /path/to/nwjs
  • Run NW.js (nw.exe on Windows)

Step 1. Windows 64bit:

  • NOTE: This release file may not always be completely up to date. The manual installation above is recommended.
  • Download DustForce, which contains everything needed to run the app.
  • Extract the zip file to any location.
  • Run Dustforce Recolour.exe.

Step 2. Sprites

  • Download the player sprites file
  • Extract and merge the downloaded zip file directly into the app's root directory - all the necessary folders will be created, and the sprite files placed in the correct location.
  • NOTE: On MacOS merging won't work if the root directory has been renamed to app.nw. Instead, extract the zip file and copy the data/ directory into app.nw

Other Sprites

  • More sprites can be download at any time.
  • They are added the same way as the player sprites and will be detected by the app the next time it is started.
  • Some sprites may be organised into different groups. If there are more than one groups, the current sprite group will be displayed in the top right of the sprite selector window. Click this to open the group selection screen.

Sprite Quick Links:

Loading Into Dustforce

  • Click the Render button.
  • Once rendering has completed, the folder containing the new sprites should automatically open.
  • Paste the new folder into /content_src/sprites in your Dustforce install location.
    A valid folder path will look like this: content_src/sprites/player/dustman/
  • Open /content/sprites and delete (or rename) the corresponding sprite file, eg. /content/sprites/dustman
  • Run Dustforce and a new sprite file will be generated from the custom sprites in content_src/

** .rar archive with every sprite in the game:


Ctrl + Click a hat image to delete it.

SVG Hats

It is possible to load an svg file as a custom hat.
If it is being rendered at the incorrect size, explicitly setting the width and height may help.
eg. change this:
<svg viewBox="0 0 26.393 20.545">
to this:
<svg viewBox="0 0 26.393 20.545" width="26.393" height="20.545">


Some important things to take note of:

  • To start, use the export template buttons to create template svg files to edit.
  • The template will contain template_origin and template_bounds objects that are required for alignment when importing and should not be modified or deleted.
  • The image viewport (eg. called an art board in Illustrator) should contain all artwork, and ideally fit it as closely as possible
  • A preview image will also be included that should be deleted once it's no longer needed.
  • Dustworth's Vacuum Generic is stretched vertically slightly, so the artwork will need to be drawn squashed.


A tool to recolours sprites for Dustforce



