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A collection of common classes and functions. I recommend putting this in the script_src root so they can be easily included in any map. At the very least I'll include lib/std.cpp in most projects, which contains some of the most common things I use, such as puts overloads for various types.

  • std.cpp - Some basic.
  • drawing - Drawing related utilities.
  • easing - A collection of easing functions.
  • enums - Built-in constants defined as enums, such as entity and var types.
  • math - Math and geometry related classes and functions. Use math.cpp for most commonly needed functionality, eg. dot, distance, lerp.
  • tiles - Tile related utilities.
  • ui3 - A general purpose UI library with a variety of common controls.


Entities, trigger, or scripts meant to be #included and primarily used directly inside the editor.


A collection of stand-alone scripts to add predefined functionality to a map, eg. outlining entities. Once added to a map and compiled, left click the script name to save it as a preset so that it can easily be added to other maps in the future.

  • Entity outliner - Draws configurable outlines around entities
  • Prop wind - Will make certain props sway in the wind
  • Shadows - Casts shadows from tiles

[Editor Utils]

General Installation

  1. Copy lib and ed to your script_src directory.
  2. All scripts are contained in the ed directory, or a subdirectory with that.
  3. Open the script tab in the editor.
  4. Click the text box, type ed/path/to/script.cpp and hit enter

Tiles (t.cpp)

  • CopyTileEdges - Copies only tiles with one or more solid edges to the target layer.
  • MoveTiles - Move or copy tiles to the target layer.
  • SetTileSprites - Sets all tiles to the target sprite set and palette
  • MakeTilesInvisible - Makes tiles invisible - not sure this is useful because invisible tiles are removed when exiting play mode or a checkpoint is loaded

Prop Path (prop-path.cpp)

A script trigger for placing props along a user defined path.
Place a PropPath trigger, use the controls to select a prop and create the path - a live preview will be rendered.
When you're happy with the results, press the "place" button and delete the trigger.

  • place: Use this "button" to place the props in the map.
  • hide_props: Don't render props for testing.
  • hide_overlays: Don't render the curves and handles. Useful for checking prop placement without other stuff in the way.
  • smart_handles: If checked control points on this and adjacent curves will be kept parallel and will be moved along with vertices.
  • accurate: Tries to place props more accurately. Useful if the curve has tight corners.
  • curves: The path is made up of one or more bezier curves. Use the +/- buttons to and and remove segments.
    • Points 1 and 4 are start and end points
    • Points 1 and 2 control the shape of the curve
  • prop_def: The prop's properties.
    • prop_set/group/index: Which prop to use. See
    • origin_x/y: A range from 0 to 1. The point (relative to its bounding box) around which the prop is placed. 0,0 would be the top left corner, and 1,1 the bottom right
    • spacing: The amount of space on the path between each prop placed.
    • layer: The layer/sub_layer the prop is placed on.
    • end_layer: If not -1, props will slowly transition along the curve from layer to this layer.
    • frame: The prop's frame
    • palette: The prop's palette
    • scale_x/y: The scale of the prop. NOTE: This doesn't seem to work. Prop scales aren't remembered.
    • rotation: The prop's rotation
    • scale_sx/y: The starting scale of the prop. The prop's scale will change from this scale at the start of the path, to scale_ex/y at the end of the path.
    • scale_ex/y: The ending scale of the prop
  • Left mouse: Move handles.
  • Middle mouse: Move handles as if the smart_handles option is off.

Prop Brush (prop-brush/PropBrush.cpp)

An editor script for quickly placing props.

Basic usage:
  • Add a brush.
  • Add a prop to the brush.
  • Set the prop values, or press select_prop button to open the prop selection window.
  • Right mouse: Place props.
  • Middle mouse: Erase props.
  • Left mouse + Mouse wheel: Change brush size.
  • Left mouse + Right mouse: Drag horizontally to change the brush size.
  • draw - Disables the prop brush. Make sure to turn off when using other tools.
  • preview - Shows a preview of the first brush.
  • spread_mul - A global multiplier for brush spread.
  • angle_mul - A global multiplier for brush angle.
  • smoothing - Smooths the brush angle. Only relevant when brush.rotate_to_dir is set.
  • place_on_tiles - If checked props snap to the nearest tile's surface.
  • place_on_tiles_distance - How far to check for tiles when place_on_tiles is on.
  • place_on_tiles_layer - Which layer to snap to when place_on_tiles is on. -1 will use the brush's layer.
  • brush
    • active - Can be used to disable individual brushes.
    • angle_min - Placed props will have a random rotation between these values (relative to the mouse direction if brush.rotate_to_dir is checked)
    • angle_max - Same as angle_min
    • angle_step - If not equal to zero, the angle will be increased by this much after each prop is placed, otherwise a random angle is chosen. (All angles are always between angle_min and angle_max)
    • rotate_to_dir - If checked prop angle will be relative to the direction of the mouse.
    • spread - Props will be placed in a random position in a circle with this radius.
    • density - The number of props by distance moved, or by seconds if the spray option is checked.
    • uniform - Place props with a more uniform distribution.
    • spray - Props are placed based on distance moved, or continuously over time if spray is checked.
    • layer - The layer to place the prop on.
    • sub_layer - The sub-layer to place the prop on.
    • flip_x - Props will be randomly flipped horizontally.
    • flip_y - Props will be randomly flipped vertically.
    • scale_min - Scale range. Only works on Dustmod maps.
    • scale_max - Scale range. Only works on Dustmod maps.
    • cycle_props - If checked, instead of a random prop for the list, all props in the list will be cycled through sequentially.
    • prop - A single brush can have multiple props. One of these is selected randomly every time a prop is placed.
      • prop_set - The prop set. These values can be set manually, but using the prop selector below is recommended.
      • prop_group - The prop group.
      • prop_index - The prop index.
      • prop_palette - The prop palette.
      • select_prop - Press to open the prop selector window. See Prop Selection Window section below.
      • pivot - Defines where the prop rotates around.
        • Top, Left, etc. - The prop rotates around the corresponding corner.
        • Origin - A per-prop, predefined pivot meant to be a more logical point for the prop to rotate around.
        • Custom - Use the custom values defined below.
      • pivot_x - A value in the range 0 - 1. Only used when pivot is set to Custom.
      • pivot_y - Same as pivot_x.
      • clone - Click to clone this prop and add it to the end of the list.
    • cluster_chance - Each attempt to place a prop will have a chance to be placed in a larger cluster. Set to zero to never cluster.
    • cluster_min - The minimum number of props in a cluster. Set this and cluster_max to 1 to never cluster.
    • cluster_max - The maximum number of props in a cluster.
    • clone - Click to clone this brush and add it to the end of the list.
Prop Selection Window:
  • Click a prop to select it.
  • If there are alternate palettes, they are shown below, otherwise the prop is selected, and the window is closed.
  • Click the selected prop again to quickly select the first palette, or click one of the palettes to select that.