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A Python package for interacting with Morgan State University's course data.

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Morgan Course Data API

PyPI Downloads Morgan State University

FALL_2024_Refresh_Date WINTER_2025_Refresh_Date SPRING_2025_Refresh_Date

A Python package for interacting with Morgan State University's course data. This package enables developers to query courses, retrieve instructor information, and perform various operations on course data efficiently.

Note: Data is updated at the beginning of each semester.


  • Get All Courses: Fetch all courses and their sections.
  • Get Paginated Courses: Retrieve courses with pagination using cursors for better performance.
  • Get Course by Signature: Retrieve a specific course using its unique signature.
  • Get Courses by Subject Abbreviation: Retrieve all courses for a specific subject.
  • Get Course Sections by Instructor: Fetch all sections taught by a specific instructor.
  • Get All Instructors: List all instructors and their associated courses.
  • Get Subject to Abbreviation Mappings: Retrieve a dictionary mapping subjects to abbreviations.


To install this package, simply install the package from PyPi:

pip install morgan_course_data


Initialize the Data Handler

Start by creating an instance of the MorganCourseData class, specifying one of the allowed terms (FALL_2024, WINTER_MINIMESTER_2025, SPRING_2025):

from morgan_course_data.api import MorganCourseData

morgan_data = MorganCourseData(term="FALL_2024")

Get All Courses

Retrieve all courses for the specified term.

Warning: This method can return over 1,000 elements. Use get_courses_paginated() for production use.


  • courses: A list of all Course objects available in the specified term.

Example Usage:

fall_courses = morgan_data.get_all_courses() # List[Course]

for course in fall_courses:

Get Paginated Courses

Fetch courses in a paginated manner using cursor and page_size. Pagination ensures efficient fetching of large datasets.


  • cursor: Reference to last retrieved course, used for pagination (optional).
  • page_size: The number of items per page (default: 20, max: 50).


Example Usage:

# Fetch the first page
paginated_courses = morgan_data.get_courses_paginated(page_size=10)

for course in paginated_courses["courses"]:

# Retrieve pagination metadata
pagination_info = paginated_courses["pagination"]
print(f"Next Cursor: {pagination_info['next_cursor']}")
print(f"Page Size: {pagination_info['page_size']}")
print(f"Has More: {pagination_info['has_more']}")

# Fetch the next page using the cursor
if pagination_info['has_more']:
    next_cursor = pagination_info["next_cursor"]
    next_page = morgan_data.get_courses_paginated(cursor=next_cursor, page_size=10)

    for course in next_page["courses"]:

Get Courses by Subject Abbreviation

Retrieve all courses under a specific subject (e.g., COSC for Computer Science):


  • courses: A list of all Course objects with the specified subject abbreviation

Example Usage

cosc_courses = morgan_data.get_courses_by_subject_abbreviation("COSC") # List[Course]

for course in cosc_courses:

Get Course by Signature

Retrieve a specific course using its unique signature:


  • course: A Course object with the specified course signature

Example Usage

course = morgan_data.get_course_by_signature("COSC 111") # Course

if course:
    print("Course not found.")

Get Course Sections by Instructor

Retrieve all sections taught by a specific instructor. Format the instructor name as 'LastName, FirstName':


  • course_sections: A list of all CourseSection objects with the specified instructor

Example Usage

mack_sections = morgan_data.get_course_sections_by_instructor("Mack, Naja")

for section in mack_sections: # List[CourseSection]

Get Courses by Instructor

Retrieve all courses and sections taught by a specific instructor. Format the instructor name as 'LastName, FirstName':


  • courses: A list of all Course objects with the specified instructor

Example Usage

mack_courses = morgan_data.get_courses_by_instructor("Mack, Naja")

for course in mack_courses: # List[Course]

Get All Instructors

Fetch a list of all instructors and the courses they teach:


Example Usage

instructors = morgan_data.get_all_instructors() # List[Instructor]

for instructor in instructors:
    print(f'{} teaches {instructor.course_signatures}')

Get Subject to Abbreviation Mappings

Retrieve a dictionary of subjects and their abbreviations:


  • dict: A dictionary/map of subjects and their abbreviation. Dict[key=subject: str, value=abbreviation: str]

Example Usage

subject_mappings = morgan_data.get_subject_abbreviation_map() # Dict[subject: str, abbreviation: str]

for subject, abbreviation in subject_mappings.items():
    print(f"{subject}: {abbreviation}")

Data Models


Represents a course with its metadata and sections.

class Course:
    signature: str
    subject_abbreviation: str
    subject: str
    description: str
    credit_hours: int
    name: str
    number: str
    full_name: str
    prerequisites: dict
    sections: List["CourseSection"]


Represents an individual section of a course.

class CourseSection:
    title: str
    section: str
    type: str
    crn: int
    instructional_method: str
    instructor: str
    enrollment_actual: str
    enrollment_max: str
    enrollment_available: str
    meetings: List["Meeting"]


Represents a scheduled meeting for a course section.

class Meeting:
    start_time: str
    end_time: str
    days: List[str]
    building: str
    campus: str
    room: str
    start_date: str
    end_date: str


Represents an instructor and the courses they teach.

class Instructor:
    name: str
    course_signatures: list[str]

Response Objects


Represents a response object to the get_courses_pagination method.

class PaginationMetadata(TypedDict):
    next_cursor: Optional[str]  # The cursor for fetching the next page of results
    page_size: int              # The number of courses per page
    has_more: bool              # Indicates if more pages are available

class GetCoursesPaginatedResponse(TypedDict):
    courses: List['Course']      # List of Course objects
    pagination: PaginationMetadata  # Metadata for pagination


For any questions, suggestions, or issues, please contact: [email protected]


A Python package for interacting with Morgan State University's course data.






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