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ReasonML bindings for react-flatpickr.

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yarn add bs-react-flatpickr

Add bs-react-flatpickr to your bsconfig.json.


Because accepting different types types for a single prop is not type safe these bindings use polymorphic variants instead to represent each one of the possible types:

open BsReactFlatpickr;

let make = () =>
  <Flatpickr value=`date(Js.Date.make()) />;

Basic props

All props are optional


string This will be passed to the inner input


This can either be string, array(string), Js.Date.t or array(Js.Date.t) you need to use polymorphic variants for these to be typesafe:

  • `str - When you need values to be a string
  • `strs - When you need values to be array(string)
  • `date - When you need Values to be Js.Date.t
  • `dates - When you need values to be array(Js.Date.t)

You use them by wrapping your value in the right variant like this:

<Flatpickr value=`str("2020-06-12") />


Js.t({..}) we provide a function that will help you generate these options for you FlatpickrOptions.make all argument are optional and those not set will be set to flatpickr.js defaults.

  • Flatpickr options: you can pass all Flatpickr parameters here.
  • All Flatpickr [hooks][hooks] can be passed within this option too.


open BsReactFlatpickr;

let make = () => {
  let today = Js.Date.make();
  let daysAgo = today |> DateFns.subDays(3.0);
  let daysFromNow = today |> DateFns.addDays(3.0);

        ~dateFormat="F j, Y",


React.element this prop is closely related with the wrap option from Flatpickr, please refer to the former link for more information.


string This class will be applied to the inner <input /> element.

Event handlers

(Value.t, string) => unit every event handler prop has this type.

  • Value.t - first arugment is an array(Js.Date.t) representing selected dates, if no dates have been selected array will be empty.
  • string - second argument is a representation of the latest selected date as a string formatted by the dateFormat (see options section).

The following props are provided in order to customize the Flatpickr's functions default behaviour. Please refer to the Events & Hooks section from Flatpickr library.

Note: Event handlers for flatpickr.js have a third argument which is a flatpickr instance we've ommitted that since the idea is to handle everything via react, that said if a valid usecase for it arises we can add it in the future.

  • onChange
  • onClose
  • onDayCreate
  • onDestroy
  • onMonthChange
  • onOpen
  • onReady
  • onValueUpdate


Just import any of the already present flatpickr.js themes:

[%bs.raw {| require("flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.css") |}];

Note: Both FlatpickrTypes.Hooks and FlatpickrTypes.Value have a classify function for boxing and a reduce function for unboxing. This is because both the value and options prop can be of more than one type:

open BsReactFlatpickr;

let make = () => {
  let (date, setDate) = React.useState(_ => `date(Js.Date.make()));
        (value, _) => setDate(_ => Value.classify(value))


yarn build


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