Monitor and kill MongoDB operations (Be advised that this is in a pre-alpha state. Use at your own risk.)
Install uv
Once installed you should see something similar to this:
$ uv version
uv 0.5.4 (c62c83c37 2024-11-20)
Use the right Python version
uv python install 3.13
List the Python versions
uv python list
Pin the Python 3.13 version
uv python pin cpython-3.13.0-macos-aarch64-none
Sync the project
uv sync
Launch the application
uv run src/close_mongo_ops_manager/ --help
Or you can just use uvx
uvx -n close-mongo-ops-manager
These are the actions you can do in the app. You can see them in the app help menu as well.
f1 : Show this help
Ctrl+Q : Quit application
Ctrl+R : Refresh operations list
Ctrl+K : Kill selected operations
Ctrl+P : Pause/Resume auto-refresh
Ctrl+S : Sort by running time
Ctrl+L : View application logs
Ctrl+U : Deselect all operations
Ctrl+A : Select all operations
Ctrl++ : Increase refresh interval
Ctrl+- : Decrease refresh interval
Enter : See operation details
Space : Select operation
The mouse is enabled, so all menus are clickable.
Take into account that the auto-refresh is disabled by default. If you enable it to refresh the operations automatically, when you find the operation you want to kill you need to stop it first. Then select the operation and kill it.
The selected operations are not preserved between refreshes. This will improve in the future releases. There is also a known issue about in the filter bar that looses focus.
This is the tipical usage:
- Use arrow keys or mouse to navigate
- Space/Click to select operations
- Filter operations using the input fields
- Clear filters with the Clear button
- Confirm kill operations when prompted