Tool to extract namespace/functions documentation from Clojure projects into indexed datalevin file.
This file has two main functions:
key is defined where the datalevin files will be placed.:deps
key is defined which libraries will be downloaded, parsed and indexed in the database- This configuration is made using the same's git coordinates with some extra keys:
use to overide the project group, currently extracted from the lib ORG:deps/manifest :deps
since we use tools.deps we need to set this on pure lein projects to force the download of the lib.:project/source-paths
if a lein lib uses:source-paths
, like reitit, we need to add this information here to indicate to clj-kondo where are the files to analyze.
- This configuration is made using the same's git coordinates with some extra keys:
clojure -X:extract
participant C as Config
participant A as Analysis
participant AD as Adapters
participant DB as Datalevin
participant CI
participant RE as Release
C->>A: Read file "resources/config.edn"
A->>A: Parse config projects to download
Note left of A: tools.deps
A->>A: Download projects
Note left of A: clj-kondo
A->>AD: Parse projects function/docs analysis
AD->>DB: Adapts & Indexes data into datoms
DB->>CI: Bulk-transact all datoms
CI->>RE: Zip and Publish
Go to this github release page, download and unzip the
This database depends on datalevin/datalevin {:mvn/version "0.9.3"}
Since v.0.3.0
, because of the new full-text index analyzers, this database requires this minimal connection opts to be used:
(require '[datalevin.core :as d]
'[ :as su]
'[datalevin.interpret :refer [inter-fn]])
(defn merge-tokenizers
"Merges the results of tokenizer a and b into one sequence."
[tokenizer-a tokenizer-b]
(inter-fn [^String s]
(into (sequence (tokenizer-a s))
(sequence (tokenizer-b s)))))
(def conn-opts
(let [query-analyzer (su/create-analyzer
{:tokenizer (merge-tokenizers
(inter-fn [s] [[s 0 0]])
(su/create-regexp-tokenizer #"[\s:/\.;,!=?\"'()\[\]{}|<>&@#^*\\~`\-]+"))
:token-filters [su/lower-case-token-filter]})]
{:search-domains {"project-name" {:query-analyzer query-analyzer}
"namespace-name" {:query-analyzer query-analyzer}
"definition-name" {:query-analyzer query-analyzer}}}))
(d/get-conn "path/to/db" nil conn-opts)
- tools.deps Download projects/libraries
- clj-kondo Parses/Analyses projects data
- datalevin Indexing and Storage of the data
clojure -M:dev:nrepl
clojure -M:dev:test
clojure -T:build uberjar
clojure -M:clojure-lsp diagnostics
clojure -M:clojure-lsp clean-ns
clojure -M:clojure-lsp format
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to