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A set of ec2 support scripts for the kmer-model (SCM) which takes a bam and automatically generates fitted output to be placed into amazon's S3 storage system


Run the command in the git repo root:

docker pull thashim/kmm-launcher
docker run --rm -w `pwd` -v /cluster:/cluster -i thashim/kmm-launcher /kmm/run.onestrand.r  example/nrf.list /cluster/ec2/auth.txt

##Configuring the SCM


mailaddr:[email protected]

Useful options: price sets the max bid price, $3 is reasonable. Set too low and your jobs will get killed before completed

region sets the job submit regions, you can check the spot prices of a c3.8xlarge and pick a cheap region

mailaddr sets the email address that gets emailed at the end of a job. The emails will probably get spam-boxed first, so check spam folder.

Optional options: itype sets the instance type: valid alternatives are cc2.8xlarge, to use this you must also change the AMI.

ami sets the AMI type: you will want to use the HVM image (ami-864d84ee) if you use any other instances like cc2.8xlarge or r3.8xlarge.


Example is available in git, some more are avaialable at /cluster/projects/wordfinder/paper/rlist

The only valid delimiter for a *.list file is 'space' not tab or comma or anything else. This also means you cannot use directories or parameters that have spaces in them.


#bam.prefix /cluster/projects/wordfinder/bams/
#gbase /cluster/projects/wordfinder/data/genome/
#quality 0
#postfix .nrf_rc1
#bucket_name batch_runs
#maxk 8
#k 1000
#resol 4
#read.max 5
#smooth.window 20
#genome mm10

nrf_wt,nrf_round1/sherwood nodox Nrf1 test 1.bwa.mm10.bam,nrf_round1/sherwood plusdox Nrf1 test 1.bwa.mm10.bam,nrf_round1/sherwood sr3 Nrf1 test 1.bwa.mm10.bam,nrf_round1/sherwood sr8 Nrf1 test 1.bwa.mm10.bam

#smooth.window 10
#quality 20

Nearly all options can be overridden in a .list file.

The general format of a .list file is

#variable_name1 value
#variable_name2 value

experiment_name,bam_1.bam,bam_2.bam [..]

#variable_name1 value
experiment_name_2,bam_1 [...]

The launcher parses from top to bottom, setting each variable_name to value. Whenever it encounters a line without a # character, it will launch a SCM-job, assuming that the first entry is the experiment name and any following it are bams.

Later variable assignment lines starting with # will override earlier ones. In the example above, nrf_wt launches with a quality parameter of 0, but dnase_1 is launched with quality of 20 due to the later override line.

Common arguments

bam_prefix: the path to where bam files are stored. Launcher will look for bam_prefix+bam_name where bam_name is the name in the experiment_name.

gbase: path to where genome files are stored. do not change if run within gifford lab.

quality: mapper quality cutoff, pick q=0 by default, q=20 if attempting to avoid repeat regions and other hard-to-map regions.

postfix: postfix applied to jobs. Each job will go into a S3 bucket where they are separated into folders named experiment_name+postfix

bucket_name: s3 bucket name. This should generally be your username / project name to avoid mixing multiple people's jobs.

genome: set to the organism genome. Currently only hg19 and mm10 are supported.

Tweakable parameters

maxk: Maximum kmer length to consider, 8 is generally good enough and the start of diminishing returns.

k: the window size. The model looks within a [-k,+k] region around each Kmer match. Should be a multiple of RESOL.

read.max: truncate input at read.max to avoid giant read-spikes from affecting model. Generally 5-10 is good for experiments in the < 1 billion read range

resol: the resolution at which parameters are stored. for example, if K=1000, RESOL=5, then the model fits 200 paremters, each representing 5 bases. RESOL MUST BE ABLE TO DIVIDE K

smooth.window: smooth the input by this many bases before feeding into the model. Useful for low-coverage experiments. Default of 10-20 is fine for all but extreme high or low coverage experiments.

mbsize: optimizer minibatch size, smaller is faster but less stable. Generally set to around 40960000 - 10240000. Most likely best not to touch this.


kmer model launch scripts






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