Works in Python 2.7 and 3.8 This file contains two methods that return a list of the results. the long_workd_counter method returns the longest word in a sentance with the lenght of that word. The shrot_workd_counter method returns the shortest word in the sentance, ignoring the words "the" and "a". Both methods take a single argument which is a string. All puncutation will be stripped from the sentance. The script will run with unittests as is. If you wnat to import to another script, example:
import from TRowTest long_word_counter
results = (long_word_counter(sentance='The cow jumped over the moon.')) print (results) ['jumped', 6]
There is a python script that runs 4 different tests.... from and IDE or python terminal run: "python". The example test script has an intentional failure to show the eles: statement will execute.
I added a second test script "" that has a list of cases that is executed through a single method. Same results should be seen as in the first.