Releases: clickstorm/cs_seo
Structured Data JSON-LD field and bugfix
[FEATURE] new field for pages and records to add Structured Data (JSON-LD) incl. checks of markup and URL
[BUGFIX] #281 respect current data on fallback metadata with multiple fields
Module for img alt texts
Save your extension configuration again to get default settings for the new module.
updates for description, meta fallback and structured data
- allow multiple fallback fields e.g. title = {title1}-{title2}
- crop description, length is set in extension settings
- strip HTML tags of meta description
- use nav_title in stuctured data breadcrumb
Introduce YAML to extend records with SEO options
- [!!!] BREAKING - transform your Page TSconfig to yaml to extend your records like news - added X-CS-SEO request header for evaluation
TYPO3 v10 compatibility
- cs_seo compatible for TYPO3 v10 LTS
- skip title only function, because it is not possible with the current Title Tag API of TYPO3 core
- use Title Tag API
important bugfixes
overwrite robots of pages again, pages updater, TypoScript conditions, deprecations
Support TYPO3 v9 LTS
We are proud to present the cs_seo v4 for TYPO3 v9 LTS.
A lot SEO features are now in the core. Thanks a lot to all developers. Currently we are struggling with some features and reported them on forge
But nevertheless we could skip the sitemap.xml and robots.txt handling. Please migrate to this by yourself.
We use the new MetaTag API
We will also use the new Page Title API when it is possible to remove the sitename
Some SEO fields of the pages table are now part of the TYPO3 core. We provide an Upgrade Wizard therefore. You find him easily in the Upgrade Wizards Module.
Furtheremore from now it is not necassary to add the tx_csseo field in the ext_tables.sql. Therefore we use a hook. Only run the Database Analyzer after you register your table in the pageTSconfig.
So your steps for migration:
- Set up the Site Configuration, espacially the languages and hreflang keys and the static routes for sitemap.xml and robots.txt
- configure your Sitemap.xml
- run the upgrade wizard to migrate the pages columns
552e305 [BUGFIX] composer constraint
1cf2275 [BUGFIX] provide correct language for snippet preview
a533cd9 [BUGFIX] use language from site config
967e860 [FEATURE] use hreflang keys from site configuration
d263d6e [BUGFIX] remove additional bootstrap css
3b70042 [TASK] cleanup locallang
2e8b56f [FEATURE] update documentation
bf8f1f7 [TASK] cleanup
26af751 [FEATURE] override metatag and canonical generator
d092a0c [FEATURE] set metadata global
5014211 Merge branch 'master' of
a9d8470 [FEATURE] cleanup test
1ca1ce5 [TASK] cleanup root files
28c5045 [FEATURE] use module templates
582aee5 [FEATURE] use requireJS
20ad454 [BUGFIX] missed new typoscript file extension
c2cae0f [FEATURE] #91 use new .tsconfig file extension
21a884b [FEATURE] #91 use new .typoscript file extension
fb43468 [BUGFIX] #199 check languageField for header data
4805d51 [BUGFIX] evalutaion records
987433f [BUGFIX] use l10nparent for pages overlays
320d99d [BUGFIX] js handling page hook
92fcb34 [BUGFIX] evalutation page hook language
eee8ec2 [FEATURE] better tca order
02c37e4 [FEATURE] use new meta tag API
8bfa53a [FEATURE] automatically add configured sql fields to database
a2ec075 [FEATURE] use auto create managed DB fields
b451af4 [BUGFIX] remove pages_language_overlay in ext update
0a79bde [FEATURE] update wizard to migrate pages fields
151373c [BUGFIX] remove deprecated getFirstWebPage
7151eb7 [BUGFIX] remove deprecated loadjQuery
609a16a [BUGFIX] don't use GLOBAL TYPO3_REQUEST
e0e42c8 [BUGFIX] remove deprecated versioningPreview
b1dc99d [BUGFIX] use getSiteTitle from Utility
56e7fa3 [BUGFIX] use json decode as array
0dfdd7a [BUGFIX] use new Extenion Conf API
3ee2e58 [BUGFIX] preview in backend module
77af0d2 [FEATURE] update module fields
e2a91f6 [BUGFIX] reset tsfe utility
19759bf [BUGFIX] remove not used view helpers
347e2ee [FEATURE] use one method to access the extension manager conf
cde058f [BUGFIX] migrate TSFEUtility
99ac61d [BUGFIX] don't use ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][]
bf43f73 [FEATURE] remove sitemap.xml generation - use core
f97941d [FEATURE] TCA migrations
31e12ee [BUGFIX] don't use ['lang']
925d9ef [BUGFIX] remove deprecated getset funtion
7057940 [BUGFIX] remove rootline param from getPageTSconfig
c6b8edd [BUGFIX] remove not used domain in snippet preview
a06b23a [FEATURE] show page path
e7d6e32 [FEATURE] use seo title in page preview
a99e2e8 [BUGFIX] remove pageOverlayFields
62c83b6 [FEATURE] use renderType checkboxToggle
5f94243 [FEATURE] clean up ext_tables.sql
440ffe4 [FEATURE] remove already existing core fields
c1c6c66 [FEATURE] remove realurl integration
b21fbe7 [FEATURE] remove pages_language_overlay
b6a85b2 [FEATURE] add required core extensions to composer.json
a621b81 [BUGFIX] remove find domain record
eecdce7 [BUGFIX] remove deprecated devlog
3c4a330 [BUGFIX] get pageTSconfig in module controller
7e7c230 [BUGFIX] Replace @Inject with @TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Annotation\Inject
4d1da57 [TASK] update versions to prepare for 9 LTS
7e92b9d [FEATURE] update tests
b67219c [FEATURE] update composer json
645690b [BUGFIX] sonarqube issue in module controller
Migrate code for 8 LTS and newer
In this release we skipped the support for the 7 LTS. So we can use doctrine and a lot of more features available in the 8 LTS. Furthermore we add some features like the Google Tag Manager support and we avoid the addQueryString method for canonical URLs (especially thanks to @Nemo64). Thanks to all contributors and users that give us their feedback.
793c04a [TASK] #182 add hint to robots.txt
ed87211 [BUGFIX] breadcrumb language overlay title
959cbf3 Merge pull request #178 from Nemo64/patch-1
42f224d [BUGFIX] set always twitter:card
5639afe [BUGFIX] #180 Not existing og_image overrides defaultImage
ab7cd30 add altPageTitle fallback
cdf1eaf [BUGFIX] #175 constant editor wrong type for news.storagePid
c157f48 Merge branch 'master' of
20503a0 [BUGFIX] #174 avoid piwik double slash
a3f7f53 [BUGFIX] link to default language record in sitemap
ff929e8 [BUGFIX] MM tablenames in sitemap
aadaf05 [BUGFIX] deleted in records sitemap
0bbf94f [BUGFIX] remove var dump
7559da8 [FEATURE] add signal before generating header data for records
663df85 [BUGFIX] add use statements
932ce2e [FEATURE] add signal to modify header data for records
5b9ec67 [BUGFIX] hreflang append records
9f61764 [BUGFIX] enable additionalWhereClause in sitemap again
4c9ff6a [BUGFIX] sitemap category contraint
bdb874f [BUGFIX] href lang with new get params
b5a60d0 [BUGFIX] sitemap.xml doctrine query
8cbf5a9 [BUGFIX] sitemap constriants
6324269 [BUGFIX] update use statements
3e7e637 Merge pull request #172 from dhuf/patch-1
830eb5c [BUGFIX] respect content_fallback
c281c54 [BUGFIX] og:image read height/width directly from Contants
4f8f76c [FEATURE] #171 avoid addQueryString for canonical, use only cHash params - thanks to @Nemo64
37bbeba [TASK] update doc for scheduler tasks
6e50fb8 Merge pull request #170 from dacostafilipe/fix-wizard-css
3446a01 Moved to PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath())
as ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath
is deprecated in Typo3 9
cb44b46 [BUGFIX] Fix backend style loading by using relative path for stylesheets in SnippetPreview
1ed3d7d [TASK] deprecated to add costum rootline to getPagesTSconfig
5a4bde7 [FEATURE] use TSFE->generatePageTitle
af38c28 [FEATURE] migrate Snippet Preview js
ee270f4 [FEATURE] migrate TYPO3.jQuery to $
9d039df [FEATURE] migrate preview wizard to renderType
d06df10 [FEATURE] #158 optimize Piwik JS code
cb4f582 Merge pull request #167 from HenningCash/fix/workspace
edf785c [BUGFIX] Respect current workspace in backend
f355339 Merge pull request #165 from hotbytes/master
6279b74 Added a variable that helps keeping the current action view when changing the language or the depth in the backend module.
adbc68a Fixed a typo in the Module/Grid partial.
17bdd95 [BUGFIX] #143 JS error while update the speaking path
e5e01fb [BUGFIX] userfunc notation
b838979 [BUGFIX] remove doc variable
27a7a97 [BUGFIX] remove DocumentTemplate
a3ba0a6 [BUGFIX] migrate ext update
9f45213 [BUGFIX] migrate strlen from Charsetconverter
4d38baa [BUGFIX] remove TYPO3_DB
f8f9e8a [BUGFIX] migrate null time tracker
ebdc929 [FEATURE] migrate to doctrine statements
d8eb581 [BUGFIX] migrate extRelPath
57085a4 [BUGFIX] add a namespace to update script
27d99af [BUGFIX] #163 migrate AjaxHandler
Feature release - DB Update required
- add twitter:site property to pages an records
- Google Tag Manager integration - don't miss the optional additional TS and check your bodyTag after inclusion
- uses the new GA tracking code gtag.js
- canonicals can now also be set in pages_language_overlay
- several bugfixes
Thanks a lot to all contributers!
256d3aa [BUGFIX] include root page in sitemap
5ae029e [BUGFIX] split sitemap subpages to prevent memory limit error
863dbd2 [FEATURE] Change Google Analytics Tracking Code to gtag.js
4ed1170 [FEATURE] #157 canonical for pages_lanugage_overlay
42bc482 [BUGFIX] add BackendUtility::deleteClause to backend queries
fced433 [BUGFIX] respect max length in meta table
d83c696 [BUGFIX] #152 description via page:description data
62493bb [BUGFIX] add twitter:site also to meta table
4987aa3 [FEATURE] #140 add twitter:site field - db update required
6408bf1 [FEATURE] make GTM bodyTagCObject optional
232bca2 Merge pull request #153 from pixelart/fix/robots-content-type
b37b46f Merge pull request #156 from dogawaf/patch-1
28027eb [BUGFIX] Fix og_image fallback when no cs_seo IRRE-record exists
91b45fb [BUGFIX] Content-Type header for robots.txt
c43f8d2 Merge pull request #145 from nebrot/patch-1
08852dd Merge pull request #147 from aw029/master
11ff7c2 Merge pull request #150 from adudtkowski/patch-1
56daf3f Remove location change from
a3dfe1e [BUGFIX] doc spelling
776ad89 [BUGFIX] SERP force sys_language_uid
2b81ffb [BUGFIX] #149 respect max characters in SERP
c333ee0 [BUGFIX] speaking paths in backend with realurl > 2.3
a5edfd1 [BUGFIX] force L=0 in page preview
c01f439 [BUGFIX] force L=0 in evalutation
f26285c [BUGFIX] switch user and page TSconfig in doc
b800557 [TASK] update doc a728e6a
49d19fd [BUGFIX] add allways the body tag
d8660b2 [FEATURE] using compressed version of piwik
6145f71 [Bugfix] Correct misspelled comment
99b06ec [BUGFIX] Google Tag Manager inclusion
0d28439 [FEATURE] Google Tag Manager - check your bodyTag conf!
e3ea8ce (origin/master, origin/HEAD) [TASK] doc installation section add hint for fill in path segment
0d4deec [BUGFIX] #139 variable missing
1a757a4 [BUGFIX] #139 use nav title for initial path segment if set
438c5e5 [FEATURE] better SVG icon
a094cea [BUGFIX] sitemap.xml pages use current pid if rootPid is empty and set constant rootPid=
dc70be9 Merge pull request #138 from jwittorf/master
3595369 [FEATURE] doc explain index sitemap.xml
d987ec3 [BUGFIX] Add missing constant