Craterpy makes it easier to work with impact crater data in Python. Highlights:
- convert a table of crater data to a GeoDataFrame or GIS-ready shapefile
- extract zonal statistics associated with each crater in circlular or annular regions (rasterstats)
- eliminate some pain points of planetary GIS analysis (antimeridian wrapping, projection conversions, etc.)
Note: craterpy is not a detection algorithm (e.g., PyCDA), nor is it a crater count age dating tool (see craterstats).
Note: Craterpy is in beta. We appreciate bug reports and feature requests on the issues board.
All craters on the Moon > 2km.
from craterpy import CraterDatabase
cdb = CraterDatabase('lunar_crater_database_robbins_2018.csv', "Moon", units="km")
cdb.plot(linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.25, color='gray')
Define cicular/annular regions and export to GIS-ready shapefiles:
cdb.add_circles("craters", size=1) # Crater interiors
cdb.add_annuli("ejecta", inner=1, outer=3) # Annulus from rim to 2 radii past the rim (excludes interior)
Plot on a raster
cdb = CraterDatabase('vesta_craters.csv', "Vesta", units="m")
im = plt.imread('vesta.tif')
ax = cdb.plot(alpha=0.5, color='tab:green')
ax.imshow(im, extent=(-180, 180, -90, 90), cmap='gray')
Compute raster image statistics on each crater geometry.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ["Orientale", "Copernicus", "Tycho"],
'Lat': [-19.9, 9.62, -43.35],
'Lon': [-94.7, -20.08, -11.35],
'Rad': [250., 48., 42.]})
cdb = CraterDatabase(df, "Moon", units="km")
# Define regions for central peak, crater floor, and rim (sizes in crater radii)
cdb.add_annuli("peak", 0, 0.1)
cdb.add_annuli("floor", 0.3, 0.6)
cdb.add_annuli("rim", 1.0, 1.2)
# DEM is a geotiff with elevation relative to reference Moon in meters
stats = cdb.get_stats("dem.tif", regions=['floor', 'peak', 'rim'], stats=['mean', 'std'])
Name | Lat | Lon | Rad | mean_floor | std_floor | mean_peak | std_peak | mean_rim | std_rim |
Orientale | -19.90 | -94.70 | 250.0 | -2400.0 | 400.0 | -2800.0 | 100.0 | 400.0 | 1100.0 |
Compernicus | 9.62 | -20.08 | 48.0 | -3400.0 | 200.0 | -3400.0 | 100.0 | -0.0 | 200.0 |
Tycho | -43.35 | -11.35 | 42.0 | -3200.0 | 400.0 | -2100.0 | 500.0 | 900.0 | 400.0 |
See the full craterpy documentation on Read the Docs.
With pip:
pip install craterpy
From the repo with poetry (for latest version & to contribute). First fork and clone the repository, then:
# Install craterpy with poetry
$ cd craterpy
$ poetry install
# Check installation version
poetry version
# Activate the venv
$ poetry shell
$ which python
# Or open a Jupyter notebook
$ poetry run jupyter notebook
- Note: Craterpy is currently only tested on Ubuntu and OS X. If you would like to use craterpy on Windows, check out the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Trouble installing craterpy? Let us know on the issues board.
Full API documentation and usage examples are available at readthedocs.
There are two major ways you can help improve craterpy:
You can report bugs or request new features on the issues board.
Want to fix a bug / implement a feature / fix some documentation? We welcome pull requests from all new contributors! You (yes you!) can help us make craterpy as good as it can be! See CONTRIBUTING.rst for details on how to get started - first time GitHub contributors welcome - and encouraged!
Craterpy is MIT Licenced and is free to use with attribution. Citation information can be found here.