GRPC Client with command line options
pip install -r requirements.txt
It is recommended to always use a virtual environment when you installing python packages such as pipenv -i <router_IP> -p <port> -u <user> -pw <password> -r <rpc> [--file <json_file>] (-h | --help)
-h --help Show this help
--version Show version
-i IP address of the router which the client will connect to
-p Router gRPC server will be running on some TCP port, generally 57400
-u Username to connect with
-pw User's password
-r RPC call to make. Valid RPCS: get-oper, get-config, merge-config, replace-config
--file Optional json file for filtered namespace requests. Client is expecting these files to be stored in json/ folder
python -i -p 57400 -u cisco -pw cisco -r get-oper --file json/get-oper-mpls-te.json
Note: Version 1.0 supports get-oper, get-config, and merge-config RPCs, replace-config hopefully coming soon