This repository is used to contain all the files used to collect data and train model for my Third Year Project. Project Goals:
- Collect Alignment Score from previous implementations to build a model
- Collect embeddings which can be used to represent the function's LLVM IR
- Develop a model which is good a predicting alignment score
- Integrate the model into LLVM to use predicted alignment score instead of manually calculating it
The following code is tested in the following environment
- Recent Linux Distro
- Linux Standard Utilities
- CMake
- ninja
- git
- GCC/CLang that works with C++ 17
The repository was tested in two environments:
- Python3: 3.10.12
- Tensorflow: 2.17.0
- CMake: 3.22.1
- Ninja: 1.10.1
- GCC: 11.4.0
- Python3: 3.9.21
- Tensorflow: 2.17.0
- CMake: 3.26.5
- Ninja: 1.10.2
- GCC: 11.5.0
Clone this repository using:
git clone
Go to the repository:
cd ThirdYearProject
Run the setup script: './'
The set up script will:
- Install Tensorflow's C API
- Install LLVM which predicts alignment score
- Download and set up f3m_exp running experiments with alignmentScore prediction
- Clone IR2Vec
To build IR2Vec, please follow their guide here:
- You need to have a local build of LLVM