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Professional Portfolio


The professional portfolio showcases my skills and talents to potential employers. It highlights my strongest work and provides insight into who I am as a professional.

Table of Contents

User Story

As an employer, I want to view a potential employee's deployed portfolio of work samples so that I can review their work and assess whether they're a good candidate for an open position.

Acceptance Criteria


  • When loading the portfolio, the developer's name, a recent photo or avatar, and links to sections about them, their work, and how to contact them are presented.
  • Clicking on a navigation link scrolls the UI to the corresponding section.
  • Clicking on the link to the section about their work scrolls the UI to a section with titled images of the developer's applications.
  • Clicking on the images of the applications takes the user to the deployed applications.
  • The layout is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes and devices.


  • The application is deployed at a live URL.
  • The application loads without errors.
  • The application's GitHub URL is submitted.
  • The GitHub repository contains the application code.


  • The application resembles the mock-up provided in the challenge instructions.
  • The repository has a unique name.
  • The repository follows best practices for file structure, naming conventions, class/id naming conventions, indentation, and quality comments.
  • The repository contains multiple descriptive commit messages.
  • The repository contains a quality readme with a description, screenshot, and link to the deployed application.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone [repository-url]
  2. Install the dependencies: npm install


This website serves as a showcase of my skills, talents, and projects to potential employers. It is designed with a mobile-first mindset and includes responsive layouts for mobile phones, tablets, and desktop screens.


  • About Me: Provides information about myself and my professional background.
  • Projects: Showcases web development projects I built during a full-stack web development course.
  • Coursework: Displays data spreadsheets and analysis papers written during my MBA journey.
  • Contact: Contains my contact details and links to various resumes.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • [List any additional technologies or frameworks used]


[Include screenshots or GIFs showcasing your portfolio]



This project is licensed under the [License Name] License - see the LICENSE file for details.


[Your Name]