Table of Contents
snackOverflow is a web application that helps people who are returning to the office make new friendships and connections over a shared meal. Users can swap and share their food, and can leave anonymous comments on other people's posts to let them know they are interested in sharing their snack.
Developed in a day and a half for SAP's 2022 Hackathon.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Create a .env file in the folder
with the information:NODE_ENV=development MONGO_DATABASE_URL=<your_mongoDB_url_here> SECRET=<your_json_web_token_here>
- Install dependencies
- Move inside the
directory and start the servernpm start run
- In a different terminal, move inside the
directory and start the servernpm start run
- Users can create posts for their snacks
- Data for posts persists to the database
- Develop front end framework to display data
- Implement comments section for each post
- Refresh frontend for better UX/UI
- Implement authentication system
- Add notifications for when users receive a comment on their post
- Allow users to have a personal wishlist