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#Chris Gervang San Francisco, CA • [email protected] • (650) 714-8452

##Technical Skills

Strong: Typescript (JS), ReactJS, Redux, F#, Upvertor, Python, Git, HTML/CSS, Digital Circuits

Experienced: D3, NodeJS, Sketch, SQL Server, Electron, MongoDB

##Recent applications ###PCB Footprint Generator | Full-Stack Engineer & Designer | June 2016 to present A web app product for electrical engineers to quickly create part libraries with datasheets using computer vision

  • Developed prototype with a team of two in one week using Python Flask, OpenCV, PaperJS, JQuery
  • Lead front end architecture with Typescript, ReactJS, D3, and Redux
  • Designed UI which includes an interactive visualization tool for creating, editing, and reviewing part footprints Also Used: Sketch, Webpack, Stripe, Google OAuth, PageJS, Digital Ocean, Postgres

###Reflectrum | Software, Electrical & Mechanical Engineer | Nov 2015 to Jun 2016 A smart mirror designed for my partner

  • Constructed a wall-mounted computer with Fusion 360 which featured an observation glass display
  • Designed HCI electronics for the mirror using Arduino and mouse components
  • Developed a SDK for mirror apps in ReactJS and shipped seven apps Also Used: Electron, Sketch, Bash, JSPM, Raspberry Pi

###Clyde | Full-Stack Engineer & Buisness Lead | Jan 2014 to June 2014 An intuitive automation system that fit into a families lifestyle

  • Lead a team of four winning the Grand Prize at 1200 person CalTech hackathon
  • Engineered IoT integrations and back end with NodeJS and CouchDB
  • Accepted into Stanford FocusVC Accelerator; Gathered fundraising interest
  • Lauched at the BA MakerFaire with pilot customer; invited by Pebble and Particle Also Used: Digital Ocean, Raspberry Pi, Angular.js, Hapi.js Notible integrations: Pebble, Particle Core, Sonos, WeMo Motion and Plug, Philips Hue, Insteon

##Professional Experience ###Nov 2014 to present | Full-Stack Engineer & Hardware Engineer | Tachyus

  • Developed front end for energy optimization products using ReactJS, D3, and Typescript
  • Implemented back end APIs in F# and SQL Server
  • Lead firmware and lab automation written in Python for industrial water cut sensor
  • Designed schematic and layout with Upverter for the first working core sensing circuit
  • Provisionally patented IP pertaining to visually determining fluid ratio in a container

###Summer 2013 | Software Engineer Intern | Stanford University d.School ####Project Compass

  • Designed and built web applications to help students navigate their academic experience at Stanford University
  • Applied d.School design thinking and performed user studies
  • Built the front end D3 visualization called “Path” enabling students to create a dynamic timeline of their academic goals
  • Aid in the design of the Compass API, which links the client experience to our Rails back end ####Web developer - d.Life website
  • Developed and documented a website template to detail the d.Life series of d.School classes at Stanford University

###2013 to 2014 | Regional organizer, event lead, evangelist for CodeDay | StudentRND Responsible for event planning of five CodeDays, hosting over 600 students attending 24 hour long coding events. During these events, over 100 unique projects have been made. Managed budget, secured volunteers, created compelling prizes, and mentored participants

  • Supervised all planning and day-of event activities. Ensured all aspects of event management ran smoothly, kept students engaged and interested for 24 hours
  • Taught programming workshops for beginner and experienced developers
  • Acquired thousands of dollars in sponsorship money
  • Promoted events to local schools and students; All events have sold out
  • Secured venues and themed sponsorship from leading technology companies such as Amazon, eBay, Gracenote, Yahoo, SAP, SmartThings, Spark, and venture capital company, Andreessen Horowitz
  • Planned and created venue layouts and environments to promote collaboration, productivity, and comfort

##Other Professional Experience

  • Using SolidWorks CAD software running industrial laser cutters, designed and produced laser-cut robot enclosures for Pebble Developer Conference 2014
  • Code Intern | Grimm Bros. Focused on programming production and pipeline tools. Advised in the planning of successful Kickstarter crowd funding campaign, and operated PAX Prime 2013 conference booth
  • Set up a $1 million digital media facility at Hillsdale High School. Developed a lighting studio, designed recording studio audio workflows, finalized a fiber optic network storage infrastructure, and taught faculty how to use the systems

##Other Technical Memberships, Achievements and Contributions

###2014 | Cohort member of Stanford University CEO Accelerator,

  • Enrolled in 4-month program instructing on how to effectively run a business. Focused on patent law, financials, budgeting, fundraising, pitching, co-founder relationship development and team building
  • Presented a live demo and pitch for Clyde Home Automation to a room full of leading Bay Area venture capital investors

###Achievements Won 3 national software/hardware competitions

  • Won 8 hackathons including PennApps (UPenn), HackTech (CalTech), CodeDay, DubHacks (UW), HackADay
  • 4,000 views and over 200 followers on Reflectrum's project
  • Best Hardware Hack at PennApps, a U Penn hackathon, for building a smart kitchen. We created an internet-connected scale that automatically counted calories. I focused on circuit design, laser cut enclosure CAD, various code for hardware functionality and integration into our network.  
  • Grand Prize at HackTech, a Cal Tech hackathon, for building a smart home automation platform. I focused on: Node.js Back End, Spark hardware programming, Pebble integrations, and building our demo.

###Open source project contributions

  • Pebble Watch Settings Framework, Developing framework to generate Pebble Watch configuration pages for app developers - Integrations, Back End, Embedded Code
  • Natural Numeral Input, Visual software input device for LaTeX and other mathematical symbols
  • Authored an open source Maker Space manifesto for the College of San Mateo
  • Raspberry Pi US Tour - recognized as "Most Elegant Design” for open source laptop design

Participant in over 20 hackathon competitions, have earned 7 top ranking awards since 2013

Other Interests | Saxophone, Rock Climbing, Improv Theater, Biking


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