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flare561 edited this page Apr 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the imgur-Extension wiki!

Using Custom API Keys

Due to the popularity of this extension, daily and monthly usage limits have become a problem. In order to alleviate this you may wish to create a personal API key for the extension to use in order to increase your personal daily usage limits.

To get started, first visit this page and enter a name for the extension. I recommend something simple like "imgur extension". Leave the checkbox for "OAuth 2 authorization with a callback URL" selected and enter one of the following depending on your browser under Authorization callback URL.

  • firefox
  • chrome

then finish the form by entering your email, and anything you want in the description panel. Finish the captcha and click submit. As an example a completed page may look like this

completed api application

the next page will give you an API client id and an API client secret like this

api keys

These can simply be put in their respective fields on the options page. Click save, and log back into imgur.

options page

Congratulations you are now using custom API keys and have significantly increased daily and monthly limits on usage.

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