Displays Results from the modx evolution PageHitCouter
Originally from the modx-extras-repo. I posted it here, because i wanted to modify it and make this modification available for everybody.
Builds on PageHitCounter by adding the results to the front end of the website via the PHCResults snippet.
Parameters available :
a comma seperated list of document ID's to exclude from the results&limit
=> maximum number of results&table_prefix
=> your database prefix if different to modx_&tpl
=> name of template chunk for displaying the results
Example call:
[!MostPopular? &excludeIDs=`1,2,3` &limit=`10` &table_prefix=`custom_` &tpl=`your_tpl`!]
Five placeholders available :
- [+phc.count+]
- [+phc.pageID+]
- [+phc.title+]
- [+phc.longtitle+]
- [+phc.description+]