- Drag libRPG.a and libRPG.h into your Xcode Project.
- Create a Monster entity in your CoreData model with a string attribute called "name".
Authenticate with the webservice backend residing at http://rpgexampleapp.herokuapp.com
[[RPG sharedClient] signUpWithEmail:email password:password completion:^(NSString *apiKey, NSError *error) {
//save api key to keychain
[RPG sharedClientWithKey:key managedObjectContext:context];
[[RPG sharedClient] getCharacters:^(NSArray *characters, NSError *error) {
[[RPG sharedClient] postCharacter:nil completion:^(Character *character, NSError *error) {
[[RPG sharedClient] putCharacter:nil completion:^(Character *character, NSError *error) {
[[RPG sharedClient] deleteCharacter:nil completion:^(Character *character, NSError *error) {