BioRuby plugin for parsing, writing, and maniuplating assembly data
Currently supports ACE and CAF formats
gem install bio-assembly
require 'bio-assembly' # ace file path asm ="data.ace", :ace) # iterate through contigs (streams each contig) asm.each_contig do |contig| # print name and consensus seq puts puts contig.consensus_seq # iterate through reads contig.each_read do |read| # print name, sequence and orientation puts puts read.seq puts read.orientation # print the postion of the read # in relation to the consensus seq puts read.from puts # print the portion of the read # that was used to create the consensus puts read.clear_range_from puts read.clear_range_to end # grab the reads that make up a particular region of the contig reads_in_region = contig.find_reads_in_range(10, 50) end # experimental - output ace file ='out.ace', 'w') file.puts asm.to_ace
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Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright © 2011 Chase Miller and Francesco Strozzi. See LICENSE.txt for further details.