A hodgepodge collection of bare-bones examples for performing common GUI-related tasks in python. Emphasis on linear data plotting, image processing, and frequency analysis. Examples are often accompanied by posts on www.SWHarden.com
- [scrolling live data with MatplotlibWidget] (2016-07-30_qt_matplotlib_sine_scroll) - pretty graphs, but slow
- [scrolling live data with PlotWidget] (2016-07-31_qt_PyQtGraph_sine_scroll) - extremely high speed graphing
- [live PCM and FFT plotting with QtGraph] (https://github.com/swharden/Python-GUI-examples/tree/master/2016-07-37_qt_audio_monitor)
- gitub: [swharden] (https://github.com/swharden)
- website: [www.SWHarden.com] (http://www.SWHarden.com)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details