To add to chrome, go to menu > settings > extensions
check the Develper mode
box. then select Load unpacked extension
and load the JiraJockey directory
Agile Board
- Shades resolved tickets as grey
- Sets the goal line as gold bar
- Shades tickets in the blocked epic as purple
- Changes ticket in title to link to jira ticket
- Added a box to the bottom of the first comment in the PR comtaining the commands to pull the pr
- Converts localhost links in comments to clickable links, displaying only the path
- all style changes listed above will execute every tenth of a second for 30 seconds to accommadate for AJAX requests and restyling in both Jira and Git
- after two minutes of inactiviy on the page, the poller will cease
- the timer is reset on a mouse move event
Show completion status for dual FE, BE tickets
Automatically post PR links in the comments of a jira ticket when one is submitted
persistant focus on a subprop accross page loads
Shout out to Adam Bretz for the name