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Team Workflow

Mikey Nichols edited this page Mar 13, 2024 · 1 revision

Team Workflow.

1. Issue Creation:

A teammate will create an issue on the GitHub to be worked on. The issues will come from the Trello Tasks or DINs or if the team sees it necessary.

2. Creation of new Branch:

When working on an issue on Github a new Branch will be created for that issue alone, following the next naming convention "issue number/type of issue / branch name / innitials of the branch creator". Here some examples:


  • a. Create a branch using the terminal command git switch -c followed by the branch name as mentioned above.
  • b. Push this branch to the remote repository setting its upstream to itself, using the command git --set-upstream origin followed by the name of the branch

3. Developing in the branch

All the coding for solving the issue will be made only in the branch.

4. Pull request and peer revision.

Once the issue is resolved, please push code to the repository and a new pull request should be created. This pull request has to be reviewed and approved by the developers before merging to either the working or development branch.