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Spatial 3D tree

Chillersanim edited this page Aug 25, 2019 · 2 revisions

A generic collection that offers an efficient point lookup in 3D space using a custom octree implementation.

The Spatial3DTree implements a self-regulating Octree.
When items gets added, it grows the octree if needed while keeping the existing data intact.
On the other hand, when items are removed, the octree shrinks as much as possible.
As many objects move around in Unity, moving objects in the Spatial3DTree is also supported.

To find items in the Spatial3DTree, one uses specialized enumerators.
These enumerators differ in the shape they are using for inclusion/exclusion testing.


  • Spatial3DTreeEnumerator
    Enumerates over a Spatial3DTree and returns all items.
  • SphereCastEnumerator
    Enumerates over a Spatial3DTree and returns all items that are within a sphere.
  • AabbCastEnumerator
    Enumerates over a Spatial3DTree and returns all items that are within an axis aligned bounding box
  • ShapeCastEnumerator
    Enumerates over a Spatial3DTree and returns all items that are within an user defined shape
  • InverseSphereCastEnumerator
    Enumerates over a Spatial3DTree and returns all items that are outside a sphere
  • InverseAabbCastEnumerator
    Enumerates over a Spatial3DTree and returns all items that are outside an axis aligned bounding box
  • InverseShapeCastEnumerator
    Enumerates over a Spatial3DTree and returns all items that are outside an user defined shape

Custom filter
In order to customize the filter, you can overwrite a few base classes.
Depending on your use case, different implementations make sense.

  • IShape
    Implement this to define the shape.
    Needs to be used with a ShapeCastEnumerator or InverseShapeCastEnumerator to get the items.
  • Spatial3DTreeInclusionEnumeratorBase
    Base class for custom Spatial3DTree enumerators that look for items inside a shape.
  • Spatial3DTreeExclusionEnumeratorBase
    Base class for custom Spatial3DTree enumerators that look for items outside a shape

Example images


Highlighting all points inside a sphere cast.


Visualization of the spatial 3d tree structure with evenly distributed points.


Visualization of the spatial 3d tree structure with chunked together points.