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Install Tools

Setup project

Clone the project into $GOPATH/src with the name duty-designator. This will ensure all go tools work correctly.

Then, Ensure you have mongo installed and up and running.

Shell into the project directory and run:

./gradlew check

This will run all tests and verify the project works as intended.

To see what other things you can do with the project, run

./gradlew tasks --all

Cypress Tests

  • Go to the server directory
    • Start the MongoDB: brew services start mongodb-community
    • Start the Go Server: go run main.go
  • In a second terminal, go to the client directory
    • Build the app: yarn build
  • Go to the e2e directory
    • Run tests without Cypress GUI: yarn run cypress run
    • Run tests with Cypress GUI: yarn run cypress open

Initial MongoDB state

In mongo client first clear out the existing if you desire

use dutyDB

and from terminal shell

mongoimport --type=csv --file=chores.csv --headerline -ddutyDB -cchores
mongoimport --type=csv --file=pioneers.csv --headerline -ddutyDB -cpioneers

Exposing local ports to external ips

Get your ip, e.g.

ifconfig en0 inet


<sudo> ssh <user>@localhost -L <your ip>:<external port>:

Note: sudo is only required for exposing ports below 1024


Initializing/modifying database while containers are not running

Unzip and make sure it is in initmongo/

The docker volume for persistant data can be initialized or reset to a set of chores and pioneers with

docker build . -f Dockerfile-mongoinit
docker run -v duty-designator_dutydb-data:/data/db -v "$(pwd)"/initmongo/:/home/db <image>

Initializing/modifying database while containers are running

Run the handy script below to load up the contents of initmongo Note: Change your container instance name appropriately if not ..._1


Starting docker

docker-compose up