Confirmed packages and versions:
- Python 3.5.2
- Flask 1.0.2
- Flask-sqlalchemy 2.3.2
- PyMySQL 0.9.3
- passlib 1.7.1
- python-dotenv 0.10.1
- Flask-HTTPAuth 3.2.4
- flask-cors 3.0.7
- Node 8.11.3
Installation can be done with pip3 install Flask Flask-sqlalchemy PyMySql passlib python-dotenv Flask-HTTPAuth flask_cors --user
- Create a database in Buffet
- Note your username, password, database name, and host name
- Clone the repo then open it in terminal
cd path/MeTube
- Go to the server directory
cd server/server
- Copy the file named '.env.template' and rename as '.env' then fill in the
with your buffet database info- the host, port, and dialect probably do not need to be changed
DB_USER=<username> DB_PASS=<password> DB_PORT=3306 DB_NAME=<database-name> DB_DIALECT=mysql
- Your current directory should now have
, and.flaskenv
in it
- Run the server using:
- or
flask run
- Open your browser to the link on the line 'Running on ...' to determine if it is accessible
- e.g. localhost:5000
- Install node, using a package manager is recommended. See
- nvm is good
- Go to the client directory
cd client
- Load node if needed and install dependencies using npm, the package manager included with node. This may take some time.
npm install
- Copy the file named '.env.template' and rename as '.env' then fill in the
as desiredREACT_APP_ROOT_DIR=/~<your_Clemson_username> REACT_APP_SERVER_IP=localhost:5000
- REACT_APP_SERVER_IP should match the server
- Run the client
npm start
- Open your browser to the link on the line 'Local: ...'
- e.g. localhost:3000
Tests on the server are run using a Postman collection in the tests folder.
- Open Postman and click Import
- Import the Postman collection file in the tests folder.
- After making changes to the collection, export it and overwrite the file.
- If new tests involving file uploads were created or needs modification, see Fixing Postman File Upload Issue
- Run the Python script to fix the exported test collection.
python tests/
The replaceMap structure follows the structure of the Postman collection.
Example with labels:
{ - first layer, folders
"tag": "name", - name of field that distinguishes folders
"tagIs": "files", - folder name
"path": ["item"], - any nested keys to traverse
"fix": [ - to deal with an array of objects, recurse to another layer
{ - second layer, tests
"tag": "name", - name of field that distinguishes tests
"tagIs": "POST test", - test name
"path": ["request","body","formdata"],
"fix": [ - recurse to another layer
{ - third layer, test details
"replace": { - specify all key-value pairs to replace
"src": "{{path}}/MeTube/server/tests/BobFile1.txt"
If you created a test using a file upload input or encountered a bug in Postman where you cannot select a file in the file input for a test:
- Export the collection
- Edit replaceMap in to fill in the file inputs (or replace any key-value pairs)
- Run
- Re-import the fixed collection and test it
The web app is hosted on
- Go to the project root MeTube
- Run the shell script to copy (rsync) most files to the webapp server.
- SSH to the webapp server
- Install the dependencies
- Go to the server directory
cd MeTube/server/server
- Edit .flaskenv on the lines with
replacing their values withproduction
- Run the server in the background with public access. It should stay running even after you log out.
python &
- or
flask run --host=
- Open your browser to the webapp server to determine if the API is accessible
The webapp server should allow .htaccess files and have mod_rewrite enabled.
- Go to the client directory
cd client
- Edit package.json on the line with
with your Clemson username"homepage": "<username>"
- Edit .env replacing
as needed ` REACT_APP_ROOT_DIR should be your Clemson username- REACT_APP_SERVER_IP should match the server address
- e.g.
- Build static pages for the front end incorporating .env variables
npm run build
- Edit .htaccess on the line with
substituting your Clemson usernameRewriteBase /~<username>
- Push the new static pages and .htaccess file to the web app server
- WARNING: npm run push will overwrite files in your public_html folder
- Use the alternate command to specify your own path
npm run push
- or
cp .htaccess build/ && rsync -av build/<your_path>
- Navigate to<your_Clemson_username>/
to see the app- This is a static website
- Does not use server-side rendering, so node is not needed to keep it running
- The .htaccess file should enable page refresh and direct navigation to sub-pages
- Finalize server code
- (optional) add table to track which user upvotes/downvotes which files
- remove these columns from File table?
- (optional) fix lines marked with #FIXME
- Run mysqldump to get SQL commands for creating DB
- Create ER diagram or schema from this
- Get sqlalchemy to execute these statements rather than create_all
- Get sqlalchemy to execute drop statements rather than drop_all
- (optional) add table to track which user upvotes/downvotes which files
- Finish/Add components/pages
- (optional) file view page upvotes/downvotes
- needs a new table similar to user_playlists
- masthead menu Options
- options page for rename account, change email, or delete account
- browse page
- (is this necessary?) add categories to file upload and browse
- users then choose specific categories to add to their files
- (is this necessary?) add categories to file upload and browse
- (optional) implement permissions validation
- (optional) move alert dialog out of view page into another component and expose as a context provider
- replace appropriate error state handling
- (optional) file view page upvotes/downvotes
- Technical report
- system design
- ER diagram
- DB schema
- function design
- implementation details
- test cases
- test results
- user manual or instructions
- 1 Canvas submission zip file named
<team #>.zip
- Due Thursday, April 18 midnight
- has technical report
- cover page
- lists all member names and team number
- individually submit evaluation
- Can be found on course page here
- 1 evaluation for each teammate for 2 total
- named as
<team #> name nameOfTeammate.doc
- not very clear how name should be formatted
- delimited by space or underscore or other?
- Clemson username?
- not very clear how name should be formatted
- Add more sorting options
- add tables for download and view times/tracking
- Add thumbnail extraction, both for video seek preview and file preview image
- Note: I think docs do not need to be supported
- 360x640px (mobile full-width) and 216x384px (widescreen grid list) or close should be good
- maybe store in file_store/thumbnails directory
- maybe name pattern
- for images and docs, see
- for videos, see algoo/preview-generator#27
- for audio? maybe user uploaded cover art