Phil Dibowitz :
Provide a new and improved filesystem plugin for Linux & Mac (filesystem2), to
support CentOS7, multiple virtual filesystems, etc.
Fix Darwin filesystem plugin on newer MacOSX
Jonathan Amiez :
Linux filesystems plugin report wrong fs-type for logical volumes
Fix Windows 2008 hostname truncation #554
Pavel Yudin :
Detect Parallels host and guest virtualization
Claire McQuin :
Deprecate Ohai::Config in favor of Ohai::Config.ohai.
Load a configuration file while running as an application.
PR #597 :
Correct platform, platform_family and version detection on Cisco's Nexus platforms.
cmluciano :
Jean Baptiste Favre :
Detect updated docker cgroup format
Shahul Khajamohideen :
Fix memory plugin output on Solaris
Add swap space attributes for Solaris memory plugin
Add swap space attributes for AIX
Add support for SPARC based processors in Solaris cpu plugin
Make AIX cpu plugin's output consistent with Solaris cpu plugin
Make AIX, Solaris memory output consistent to Linux
Sean Horn :
ec2 plugin should handle binary userdata too
Alexey Karpik :
Add support for SoftLayer cloud
MichaelSp :
return correct ipaddress for openvz guests
Anthony Caiafa :
Only run ifconfig against active interfaces
Shahul Khajamohideen and Sean Escriva :
Chris Chambers :
Convert Solaris OHAI CPU detection to kstat from psrinfo
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