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Chef documentation

This GitHub repository is the source for the Chef documentation published on

The chef/chef-web-docs repository contains:

  • Source code for the Chef documentation theme
  • Markdown files for much of the Chef Infra Client content
  • Configuration files
  • Vendored documentation from other repositories that are presented on

Style guide

See the Chef Documentation Style Guide for style guidance. If you don't find style guidance in the Chef Documentation Style Guide, use Google's Style Guide or Microsoft's Style Guide.

Distributed documentation

The Chef documentation source is highly distributed and depends on Hugo modules to pull in documentation from other Chef repositories. The content from those repositories is vendored in chef-web-docs.

To make changes to the content in those repositories, submit pull requests to the appropriate repository. don't submit pull requests to the vendored files in chef-web-docs. We will update those changes after they're merged or after a new version of a product is released.

GitHub repositories

We source documentation from the following repositories:

We source the theme from this site from

DCO signoff

The fastest way to change the documentation is to edit a page on the GitHub website using the GitHub UI.

To perform edits using the GitHub UI, click on the [edit on GitHub] link at the top of the page that you want to edit. The link takes you to that topic's GitHub page. In GitHub, click on the pencil icon and make your changes. You can preview how they'll look right on the page ("Preview Changes" tab).

We also require contributors to include their DCO signoff in the comment section of every pull request, except for obvious fixes. You can add your DCO signoff to the comments by including Signed-off-by:, followed by your name and email address, like this:

Signed-off-by: Haris Shefu <[email protected]>

See our blog post for more information about the DCO and why we require it.

After you've added your DCO signoff, add a comment about your proposed change, then click on the "Propose file change" button at the bottom of the page and confirm your pull request. The CI system will do some checks and add a comment to your PR with the results.

The Chef Documentation Team can normally merge pull requests within seven days. We'll fix build errors before we merge, so you don't have to worry about passing all of the CI checks, but it might add an extra few days. The important part is submitting your change.

Local development environment

The Chef Documentation website is built using:

To install Hugo, NPM, and Go on Windows, run:

choco install hugo-extended nodejs golang sass

To install Hugo, NPM, Go, and Dart Sass on macOS, run:

brew install hugo node go sass/sass/sass

To install Hugo on Ubuntu, run:

  • apt install -y build-essential
  • snap install node --classic --channel=12
  • snap install hugo --channel=extended
  • snap install dart-sass

Troubleshoot your development environment

To clean your local development environment:

  • Run make clean_all to delete the SASS files, Javascript, and fonts. Hugo rebuilds these the next time you run make serve.

  • Run make clean_all to delete the node modules used to build this site in addition to the functions of make clean described above. Those node modules will be reinstalled the next time you run make serve.

Build and preview the docs

You can preview documentation using one of the following:

  • Submit a PR and look at the Netlify preview.
  • Build the documentation locally.

Submit a PR and look at the Netlify preview

Netlify generates deploy previews of pull requests made on the chef-web-docs repository and adds a link to the pull request page. This is automatic for members of the Chef GitHub organization; the Documentation Team can manually trigger Netlify to build previews from contributors who aren't members of the Chef GitHub organization.

Build and preview the docs locally

Build and preview using Netlify CLI

You can use the Netlify CLI to build and preview documentation locally. This is useful for previewing redirects configured in the netlify.toml file.


Run netlify dev to preview the site using the Netlify CLI.

Build and preview the docs from the source repositories

  • Run make serve_ignore_vendor

Some Chef documentation is stored in private repositories so this option is only available to Progress Chef employees.

Update documentation from other repositories

We vendor most documentation, some Javascript dependencies, and our site theme in the _vendor directory.

Update vendored content

To updated vendored content, follow these steps:

  1. Update the content from source repository using hugo mod get. See the list of modules in the go.mod file or the module config file.

    To update content to the latest commit in the main branch:

    hugo mod get -u<ORG>/<REPO>/<SUBDIRECTORY>

    You can also update a module to a particular Git SHA, branch, or tag. For example:

    hugo mod get -u<ORG>/<REPO>/<SUBDIRECTORY>@<GIT_SHA>
  2. Update the vendored content.

    rm -rf _vendor
    hugo mod tidy
    hugo mod vendor

For example, to update the chef-workstation repository:

hugo mod get -u
rm -rf _vendor
hugo mod tidy
hugo mod vendor

This will update that repository to the most recent commit.

You can also update a module to a repository tag. For example:

hugo mod get[email protected]
rm -rf _vendor
hugo mod tidy
hugo mod vendor

And you can update a module to a Git commit. For example:

hugo mod get
rm -rf _vendor
hugo mod tidy
hugo mod vendor

See Hugo's documentation for additional information about updating Hugo Modules.

What if Hugo doesn't update a module

Sometimes Hugo and Git are a bit difficult and won't update a module cleanly or will leave references to older commits of a module in the go.sum file.

If you get an error indicating that Git can't find a repository that's already added as a module, try cleaning your Hugo cache using hugo mod clean, and if that doesn't work, restart your computer.

If you still having trouble, try rebuilding the go.mod and go.sum files:

  1. Delete the go.mod and go.sum files.
  2. Re-initialize the Hugo modules, hugo mod init This will generate a new, blank go.mod file.
  3. Update the references to the other GitHub repositories, hugo mod get -u.
  4. The previous step will update all modules to the latest commit of their source repositories. If you don't want that, look at the git history of those files and manually edit the go.mod and go.sum files to keep the older commits for the modules that you don't want to update.
  5. Run hugo mod tidy. This probably won't do anything on newly initialized go.mod and go.sum files, but it can't hurt either.
  6. Vendor the modules in chef-web-docs, hugo mod vendor.

Docs site theme

The theme for this site is sourced from chef/chef-docs-theme.

Update theme

Run make update_theme to update the site theme.

Update theme Javascript dependencies

We source Javascript dependencies in the chef/chef-docs-theme repository using Node and GitHub.

Node dependencies

To update first-level Node dependencies:

  1. Update the dependency in the chef/chef-docs-theme package.hugo.json file.
  2. Update the package.json file in chef/chef-docs-theme by running hugo mod npm pack
  3. Commit the package file updates to main in chef/chef-docs-theme.
  4. Update the theme in this repo by running make update_theme.

To update transitive Node dependencies in this repo:

  • Run npm update.

Javascript dependencies imported with Hugo

We use Hugo to import JavaScript dependencies from GitHub repositories. You can see the full list in either the chef/chef-docs-theme go.mod file or the hugo.toml file.

To update these dependencies, follow these steps:

  1. Update the dependency in the go.mod file in chef/chef-docs-theme using the hugo mod get -u command.
  2. Tidy the go.sum file with hugo mod tidy.
  3. Commit the changes to chef/chef-docs-theme
  4. Update the theme contents in this repo with make update_theme.

Local theme testing

You can test local changes made to the chef-docs-theme repository and preview those changes using Hugo's local development server. To do this, create a Go workspace file that modifies the source of Hugo's modules, source the workspace file, and start the local server.

For example:

  1. Create a file in root of this project.

  2. Add the following config information to the file:

    go 1.22
    use .
    use ../path/to/local/chef-docs-theme
  3. Start the Hugo local server:

    make test_theme

    This command adds the file to the Hugo workspace and then ignores the contents of chef-docs-theme repo in the _vendor directory.

Edit on GitHub links

We use a partial edit_on_github.html to add "Edit on GitHub" links to each page.

Each page should have a gh_repo parameter set to the value of the GitHub repository that the page comes from. For example, gh_repo = "chef-server"

Each repository with documentation has a config.toml file with a params.<REPOSITORY> map and a gh_path parameter set to the path of the docs content directory in that repository.

The edit_on_github partial appends the page file name to the end of gh_path parameter and adds the link to the text of the page.

Release notes

Release notes are added to release notes pages using Hugo's resource.getRemote function and content from https://omnitruck.chef and

Chef Automate release versions, release dates, and links to release note Markdown files come from

Release versions for Chef Habitat come from

Release versions for Chef InSpec Cloud resources comes from _vendor/<PLATFORM>/docs-chef-io/assets/release-notes/inspec-<PLATFORM>/release-dates.json.

Release versions for all other Chef products come from<PRODUCT>/versions/all.

Each release note page comes from a Markdown file from<PRODUCT>/<VERSION>.md.

If a release note Markdown file isn't returned from, the release note for that version will show the text, "This release doesn't have any release notes."

Preview release notes locally

Release note pages are only generated in the production environment. Running make serve won't build any of the content in the release note pages.

Run make production to build and preview the release notes.

Run make clean_all to purge locally cached release note files.

Add release note pages

To add a release notes page to chef-web-docs, add the following to a Markdown page:

release_notes = "<CHEF_PRODUCT>"
product = "<CHEF_PRODUCT>"
layout = "release_notes"
toc_layout = "release_notes_toc"

The <CHEF_PRODUCT> value comes from the Product Key in the Product Matrix.

Any content included in the release notes Markdown file will be included at the top of the page and the release notes will be appended below.

Archive of pre-2016 commit history

The commit history of this repo before February 12, 2016 has been archived to the chef-web-docs-2016 repo to save space. No changes to the archive repo will be merged; it's just for historical purposes.

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