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Post service

ITHS Webservices and integrations laboration

Service to handle messages. Saves to MongoDB.




  • Except Json in the format;
    "to": "userID",
    "message": "message"

  • Header must include sender userID . example header: userID 123

  • Will return a location header with the url to the message.

  • Sends the message to RabbitMQ queue called "messages"



  • Deletes requested message


returns 200 to check if server is up


  • Return a Json if the requested id:
  • {
    "_id": {
    "$oid": "64535b421665a078fe677c5c"
    "from": "123",
    "to": "3232",
    "message": "Hello there",
    "date": "2023-05-04T07:14:10.392574957Z"


  • Header must include sender userID.
  • Returns all userIDs that the user in Header have conversations with.


  • Header must include sender userID.
  • Returns all messages from the userID in header to the user_id in the query as Json sorted by date.

Optional query parameters for chat

  • limit="number"
    Limits the number of messages returned
  • messageId="the id of a message"
    Sets the starting point where to return messages. Any messages with an id greater than the set id will be returned.

say i have a header with userID 1 and make a get request as follows:
This will return 3 json messages that was made from userID 1 to userID 2 newer than the message in the messageId query.


This environment variable must be set with the MongoDB connections string.

Replace "MONGOURL" with the connection string to your database.
The app will save to a database called postservice and a collection called messages

ROCKET_RABBIT_HOST="amqp://localhost:5672" (Default)
This sets the connections string to RabbitMQ
The application sends a Json to a queue called "messages" each time a POST request is made on /posts

Alternative settings

ROCKET_PORT="8000" (Default)
ROCKET_ADRESS="" (Default)
ROCKET_LOG_LEVEL="normal" (Default) (normal/debug/critical)