Gives you a quick local starting point for this free on demand tutorial.
Documentation for DBT
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start-up the postgres container db we're going to use (requires nerdctl or docker):
nerdctl volume create pgdata
nerdctl compose up
Note this will automatically execute the scripts that sets up the landing tables and source data.
The data is loaded from the tutorial csv's here ./data
Run DBT:
cd jaffle_shop
dbt run --profiles-dir ..
you should see something like this:
Running with dbt=0.19.1
Found 3 models, 0 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 138 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 0 sources, 0 exposures
00:44:19 | Concurrency: 4 threads (target='dev')
00:44:19 |
00:44:19 | 1 of 3 START view model dw.stg_customers............................. [RUN]
00:44:19 | 2 of 3 START view model dw.stg_orders................................ [RUN]
00:44:20 | 1 of 3 OK created view model dw.stg_customers........................ [CREATE VIEW in 0.13s]
00:44:20 | 2 of 3 OK created view model dw.stg_orders........................... [CREATE VIEW in 0.13s]
00:44:20 | 3 of 3 START view model dw.dim_customers............................. [RUN]
00:44:20 | 3 of 3 OK created view model dw.dim_customers........................ [CREATE VIEW in 0.07s]
00:44:20 |
00:44:20 | Finished running 3 view models in 0.40s.
Completed successfully
After successfully running DBT you should be connect to postgres:
username: jaffle_shop
password: jaffle_shop
database: jaffle_shop
server: localhost
port: 5432
DBT will have created 2 staging views used to comprise dim_customers
in the schema dw
Run the the following to view dim_customer
SELECT * FROM dw.dim_customers
Proceed with the tutorial to see how to create and load tables, run tests and much more.
nerdctl compose down
nerdctl compose down
nerdctl volumn rm pgdata