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Inspirobot Function

Charlotte edited this page Sep 28, 2021 · 1 revision

After several hours of the course of a day or two, I'd finally found the right tools to implement Inspirobot's API into my bot for my users to play with. I'm happy I did so, as this is easily the most used 'fun' feature. However the road in getting there was hard as hell.

I came across several repositories in which I could take inspiration

there were of course a few other sources that had popped up at the time, particularly in .Js and Dart; but I'm not going to link those nor did I dive into looking at them more than a few moments. My primary inspiration came from inspirobot itself ofc, and then the repositories I looked through thereafter.

The wrapper works flawlessly, especially asynchronously. My users quite literally able to spam the command as often as they'd like (within the parameters of my cooldown)

@commands.command(help="Gives you an inspirational quote"
                           " for to help you throughout the day.",
    @commands.cooldown(1, 3, commands.BucketType.user)
    async def inspire(self, ctx):
            quote = inspirobot.generate()
            e = discord.Embed(title=":eye::lips::eye: | Inspiration :sparkles:",
            await ctx.reply(embed=e)

                      help="offers inspirational flow quotes")
    async def flow_q(self, ctx):
        flow = inspirobot.flow()
        for quote in flow:
            await ctx.send(quote.text, tts=True)
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