A starter repo for a backend webservice with the following features:
- Basic Authentication for users
- Token authentication
- APIs for
Run git clone
Run pip install -r requirements.txt
Run ./manage.py migrate
Run ./manage.py runserver
Once running the server you can use Postman (https://www.postman.com/) to explore the API URLs prefixed with http://localhost:8000/api
Current API
Verifies a username password match and returns a unique token specific to that user
Creates a user with username and password and returns a unique token specific to that user
You can easily deploy this on either Heroku or Render with the following config
- The start command is
gunicorn backend.wsgi
- The build command is
pip install -r requirements.txt
environment variable should beTrue
should be whatever the URL is the provider gives you e.g.something.onrender.com