In this Repo step by step Leran Javascript Code from Basic to Advance.
- Node
- Deno
Install Node or Deno ( Founder - Ryan Dahl ) in your computer for run javascript code.
node folderName/fileName.js
- JavaScript vs ECMAScript
- Install vs code or use github codespaces
- Write first basic program
- Variable - var, let, const
- Data types [ null, string, number, boolean, symbol, undefined, BigInt ] typeof
- Type conversion [ Number, Boolean, String ]
- Operators [ Airthmetic, Comparison, Assignment, Logical ]
- Basic heap and stack
- String and String Method
- Number, Math and Date
- Array and Array Methods
- Object and Object Methods
- Functions
- Arrow function
- Global and Local Scope
- 'this' keyword in object
- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)
- How to Javascript Code Execute