This portfolio is created using JAVA, SpringBoot and Thymeleaf.
Portfolio Link -
- In, you need to add the new title in 'titles' modelAttribute
- For CSS changes - follow the instructions given under 'TYPING ANIMATION' section
- I would prefer to use *.pdf as extension to Resume document
- Rename you resume doc to 'chandan-resume.pdf'
- To update any link, you must checkout
- Goto, and update the variable 'MY_EXPERIENCE_IN_YEARS'
- We have not created 'about me' as a dynamic text, so you can directly update the text from index.html
- In, you need to add a new client in 'clients' modelAttribute
- Store the client logo under src/main/resources/static/assets/ with the proper name formatted as <client_name>-logo
- You can use any of these extension for images - png or jpg
- Make sure the dimensions of the image should be 400X400
- We have created different sections for different tech-stack, like frontend, backend, devops, etc. Please add the experience under the correct section
- In, you need to add the experience accordingly under the following modelAttributes - frontend, backend, cloud, database, devops
- If you want to add a new Tech-stack, then you need to update the structure of the web page a bit, then you can refer index.html
- If you want to add a new Experience level, then you add it in