Dashboard panel for vehicles using ESP8266, OLED displays, GPS and DS1820 temperature sensors using Arduino framework.
THis project uses following components:
- 1x NodeMCU compatible DevKit (ESP8266)
- 2x OLED 0.96" displays with I2C interface
- 2x DS1820 temperature sensors (cabin & ambient)
- 1x GPS module (blox NEO-6M)
Arduino libraries used:
- TinyGPSPlus
- AsyncDelay
- OLED display by Squix
- DallasTemperature
GPIO connections:
- Software Serial for GPS module: 13, 15
- I2C for OLED displays: 4, 5
- OneWire DS1820 Sensors: 2
Photos of final product will be added later. Currently the project is living on breadboard.