The provided dataset contains information on 426K cars to ensure speed of processing. Your goal is to understand what factors make a car more or less expensive. As a result of your analysis, you should provide clear recommendations to your client -- a used car dealership -- as to what consumers value in a used car.
Given dataset has 426880 entries with 18 columns
Data Source:
Python Code:
Note: There are no errors in the code, but FutureWarning due to usage of replace=inplace option.
Total entries for each column of the data frame is 12684.
There is some data missing for Columsn car, Bar, CoffeeHouse, CarryAway, RestaurantLessThan20 and Restaurant20To50.
Many columns have missing data up to 40+ pergentage and
many columns are irrelevant to the price of car such as VIN, drive, paint_color, state, id etc
id 0.00
region 0.00
price 0.00
year 0.28
manufacturer 4.13
model 1.24
condition 40.79
cylinders 41.62
fuel 0.71
odometer 1.03
title_status 1.93
transmission 0.60
VIN 37.73
drive 30.59
size 71.77
type 21.75
paint_color 30.50
state 0.00
dtype: float64
p = [0.05, 0.85, 0.95, 0.99]
count 426880.00
mean 75199.03
std 12182282.17
min 0.00
5% 0.00
50% 13950.00
85% 32995.00
95% 44500.00
99% 66995.00
max 3736928711.00
has_nan = df['price'].isna().any().sum()
has_inf = np.isinf(df['price']).any().sum()
df_cleaned = df[~np.isinf(df['price'])]
has_inf = np.isinf(df_cleaned['price']).any().sum()
# 0
# 0
sum(df.duplicated()) ## O duplicates found
# 0
zscore_data_lost = 1 - (df_zscore.shape[0]/df.shape[0])
print("We lost {:.6%} of the data by the z-score method" .format(zscore_data_lost))
# We lost 0.007262% of the data by the z-score method <---- We lost only less than 1% of data using zscore
count 426849.00
mean 17552.14
std 20667.53
min 0.00
25% 5900.00
50% 13950.00
75% 26455.00
max 5000000.00
irq_data_lost = 1 - (df_irq.shape[0]/df.shape[0])
print("We lost {:.2%} of the data by the IRQ method" .format(irq_data_lost))
# We lost 98.08% of the data by the IRQ method <--- We lost almost 98% of data with IRQ method of eliminating data which is not good.
count 8177.00
mean 3088930.26
std 87973256.90
min 57400.00
25% 61000.00
50% 67995.00
75% 77999.00
max 3736928711.00
dfc = df[['condition', 'title_status', 'odometer’]]
X = dfc[['condition', 'title_status', 'odometer']]
y = df_numeric['price']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size = 0.20,random_state=23)
from sklearn import set_config
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
si = SimpleImputer(strategy = "most_frequent")
X_train = si.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test = si.transform(X_test)
pd.get_dummies(dfc.select_dtypes("object"), dtype = int, drop_first = True)
# 426880 rows × 10 columns
# 75199.0
Out of all the columns gien in dataset, columns named 'region', 'manufacturer', 'model', 'drive', 'size', 'type', 'paint_color' & 'state' as too many categorical variables that will be overfitting the model and hence ignored those column data. If we apply One-Hot encoding on those columns, its going to generate 100s of columns which will overload the model to process.
Column named 'id', 'VIN', 'fuel', & 'cylinders' does not play a role on car price and hence dropped from the DataSet
Column named 'odometer', 'title_status' & 'condition' is going to play a role as per domain knowledge that I have and hence considered for modeling. Applied one-hot encoding on catorigical data like 'title_status' & 'condition' and applied three different models like Linear-Regression, Losso-Regression and Ridge-Regression and all these three models gives almost ~0 on Train_R2_Score and Test_R2_Score. This shows the the models are under-fit and hence not able to predict actual price of the model
This under-fitting could be due to the 'most_frequent' imputer method used to fillin missing data for columns 'title_status' & 'condition'.
Violin plot on 'title_status' VS PriceLog & 'condition' VS PriceLog shows that the dependency is almost close to mean of the given data and hence the model. This data suggests that the model might be able to predict actual value given the data considered for models designed.
Overall the suggestions would be that the 'odometer', 'title_status' & 'condition' is going to play a role on price of a car!