NPM Installer for Aeneas -- works with Ubuntu and OSX
More about Aeneas from Readbeyond:
It's complicated getting Aeneas to install on OSX and Ubuntu. Here's a stab at packaging the install in a convenient NPM module. It's messy but works most of the time
npm install aeneas-install
npm run-script setup
Note: This does a system-wide install of FFMPEG, Python etc. so expect several sudo steps requiring you to enter your admin password.
With a successful installation, it should end the output with something like this:
[INFO] Test 1/4...
[INFO] Trying to import package aeneas...
[INFO] Trying to import package aeneas... succeeded.
[INFO] Test 2/4...
[INFO] Trying to call ffprobe...
[INFO] Trying to call ffprobe... succeeded.
[INFO] Test 3/4...
[INFO] Trying to call ffmpeg...
[INFO] Trying to call ffmpeg... succeeded.
[INFO] Test 4/4...
[INFO] Trying to call espeak...
[INFO] Trying to call espeak... succeeded.
[INFO] Congratulations, all dependencies are met.
[INFO] Enjoy running aeneas!