A Kong Go plugin to validate access tokens issued by Keycloak. This plugin is inspired by the Lua-based kong-plugin-jwt-keycloak. There are, however, some differences.
- Validates signed JWT access tokens
- Verifies the token signature using the public key retrieved from the
endpoint - Supports multiple trusted issuers
- Supports multiple public keys per issuer (e.g., for key rotation) including caching
- Authorization based on the token's claims
- Consumer matching based on the token
- Supports multiple signing algorithms (RS*, ES*)
The plugin's global behavior can be configured using the following properties:
Property | Description | Default |
KONG_PLUGIN_CONFIG_JWT_GO_JWKS_CACHE_EXPIRATION | The expiration time of the JWKS cache in seconds | 6 * 3600 |
KONG_PLUGIN_CONFIG_GO_JWT_KC_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY | Skip the verification of the TLS certificates | false |
A plugin instance can be configured using the following properties. Please note that multiple values / lists are comma-separated:
Property | Description | Default |
uri_param_names | The names of the query parameters that may contain the access token | "" |
cookie_names | The names of the cookies that may contain the access token | "" |
header_names | The names of the headers that may contain the access token | "authorization" |
claims_to_verify | The claims to verify | "exp" |
anonymous | If a kong consumer uuid is set, the plugin will use this consumer for requests without a valid token | "" |
run_on_preflight | If the plugin should run on preflight requests | false |
maximum_expiration | The maximum remaining expiration time of the token in seconds | 0 |
algorithms | The supported signing algorithms | "RS256,ES256" |
allowed_iss | The allowed issuers | "" |
well_known_template | The template for the well-known endpoint | "%s/.well-known/openid-configuration" |
scopes | The required scopes | "" |
roles | The required roles | "" |
realm_roles | The required realm roles | "" |
client_roles | The required client roles | "" |
consumer_match | Should the plugin try to match the consumer based on the token | false |
consumer_match_claim | The claim to use for the consumer matching | "azp" |
consumer_match_ignore_not_found | Ignore consumer not found errors | false |