Project page:
Satsuma extends the LEMON graph library by data structures and algorithms for handling network flow problems on general bidirected graphs.
Most importantly, it solves the Minimum Deviation Flow problem in bidirected graphs (Bi-MDF) -- a generalization of the Minimum Cost Flow problem. We provide an approximate and an exact solver that utilized iterative refinement.
You can find the necessary mathematical background and explanations in
Min-Deviation-Flow in Bi-directed Graphs for T-Mesh Quantization, Martin Heistermann, Jethro Warnett, David Bommes, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 42, Issue 4, 2023
Please cite our paper if you use this library in academic context :-)
We demonstrate libSatsuma as an alternative to the commercial Gurobi solver in a recent quad remeshing (or retopology, in 3D artist parlance) tool, QuadWild, in our fork of the code.
author = {Heistermann, Martin and Warnett, Jethro and Bommes, David}
title = {Min-Deviation-Flow in Bi-directed Graphs for T-Mesh Quantization},
journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
volume = {42},
number = {4},
year = {2023},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
doi = {10.1145/3592437}
$C\cdot x = b$ , where-
$b$ is the demand vector$b\in\mathbb{Z}^m$ , and -
$C \in \{-2,-1,0,1,2\}^{m\times n}$ is the node-edge incidence matrix of a bidirected graph, i.e., the sum of absolute values of each column of$C$ is not larger than 2,
$\forall i: l_i \leq x_i \leq u_i$ , where$l, u \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ are lower and upper bounds (upper bounds may be infinite)
├── src/
│ └── libsatsuma/: library source code
│ ├── Config/: templates for cmake-generated headers
│ ├── Extra/: High-level tools and serialization utilities
│ ├── Problems/: Data structures to represent problem instances and solutions
│ ├── Reductions/: Algorithms to convert between different kinds of problems
│ └── Solvers/: Solver Algorithms
├── tests/: unit tests (TODO)
└── tools/
└── example: solves a simple fixed problem
└── gen_figure: solves a fixed problem and outputs intermediate reduction steps for visualization.
- CMake >= 3.18
- A recent C++ compiler
- LEMON (automatically downloaded)
- libTimekeeper (automatically downloaded)
- (Optional) Blossom-V as an alternative solver for Weighted Matching (not under free license)
- (Optional) nlohmann-json for (de)serialization
- (Optional) Gurobi to solve Bi-MDF as ILP/IQP problem
If you don't have a development environment with CMake, run the following command:
sudo apt install cmake build-essential
We recommend using Homebrew, which will automatically install the XCode Command Line Tools and allow you to install CMake using brew install cmake
You can use Visual Studio for a native build. With recent VS versions, CMake support is build-in, so you can open the CMakeLists.txt
Alternatively, you can obtain a convenient Linux based development environment using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
To generate a build folder and compile libSatsuma, run
cd path/to/libSatsuma
cmake . -B build # generate build files in build/
cmake --build build # compile
This will automatically download all required dependencies and compile libSatsuma as static library, as well as the example programs.
You can now run the example program
(The path may differ depending on the CMake generator used)
Note: To download and use the Blossom-V library, set the cmake option SATSUMA_ENABLE_BLOSSOM5=ON
Our recommended approach is using add_subdirectory
on a sub-folder (possibly git submodule) containing libSatsuma,
or automatically downloading libSatsuma:
if (NOT TARGET satsuma::satsuma)
GIT_TAG main # Recommended specifing a commit or tag instead of the `main` branch
libSatsuma will now be available as a target satsuma::satsuma
, which you can link to your program using
target_link_libraries(your_target PRIVATE satsuma::satsuma)
By default, libSatsuma is built as static library. You can set the global BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable to true if you prefer a shared library.
libSatsuma is available under the terms of the MIT License.
I'd be happy to receive any feedback from you via github issues or email. Please let me know if you have any issues compiling or using libSatsuma.
Author: Martin Heistermann [email protected]
This project has been developed as part of the AlgoHex project, which has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 853343).