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Solve cookie problem
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capoaira authored and Lineflyer committed Aug 19, 2020
1 parent 24f5fc7 commit c88acb3
Showing 1 changed file with 255 additions and 37 deletions.
292 changes: 255 additions & 37 deletions send2cgeo.user.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,18 @@
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/play/owner/(published|unpublished|archived)/
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/play/owner/(published|unpublished|archived)/events/
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/seek/(cache_details\.|nearest\.|)/
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/my/recentlyviewedcaches\./
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/my/(recentlyviewedcaches|default)\./
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/(map/|geocache/)/
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/plan/lists/
// @include /^https?://www\.opencaching\.de/viewcache.php/
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/account/dashboard/
// @include /^https?://www\.opencaching\.de/(viewcache|myhome).php/
// @icon
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @supportURL
// @version 0.51
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// ==/UserScript==

// Function that handles the actual sending
Expand All @@ -25,20 +28,29 @@ var s2cgScript = document.createElement('script');
s2cgScript.type = 'text/javascript';
s2cgScript.innerHTML = 'window.s2geo = function(GCCode) {'
// show the box and the "please wait" text
+ '$("#send2cgeo, #send2cgeo div").fadeIn();'
// hide iframe for now and wait for page to be loaded
+ '$("#send2cgeo iframe")'
+ ' .hide()'
+ ' .off("load")'
+ ' .attr("src", "" + GCCode)'
+ ' .on("load",'
+ ' function() {'
// hide "please wait text" and show iframe
+ ' $("#send2cgeo div").hide();'
// hide box after 3 seconds
+ ' $(this).css("display", "block").parent().delay(3000).fadeOut();'
+ ' }'
+ ' );'
+ (isUseWithoutThirdPartyCookies()
? " var sendCache ='' + GCCode, 'send' + GCCode, 'width=200,height=100,top=10,left=10,menubar=no,status=no');"
+ ' window.setTimeout('
+ ' function() {'
+ ' sendCache.close();'
+ ' },'
+ ' 3000'
+ ' )'
: '$("#send2cgeo, #send2cgeo div").fadeIn();'
// hide iframe for now and wait for page to be loaded
+ '$("#send2cgeo iframe")'
+ ' .hide()'
+ ' .off("load")'
+ ' .attr("src", "" + GCCode)'
+ ' .on("load",'
+ ' function() {'
// hide "please wait text" and show iframe
+ ' $("#send2cgeo div").hide();'
// hide box after 3 seconds
+ ' $(this).css("display", "block").parent().delay(3000).fadeOut();'
+ ' }'
+ ' );'
+ '};';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,6 +159,10 @@ var start = function(c) {

function isUseWithoutThirdPartyCookies() {
return GM_getValue('useWithoutThirdPartyCookies', false);

function s2cgGCMain() {
// check for premium membership (parts of the page content are different)
function premiumCheck() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,15 +294,26 @@ function s2cgGCMain() {

// Sending
var cachesToSend = $('[s2cgeo-send]');
function sendCache(c) {
var GCCode = $(cachesToSend[c]).attr('s2cgeo-send');
$(cachesToSend[c]).find('.s2cgeo').html('<iframe name="' + GCCode + '" src=\"' + GCCode + '\" width="80" height="55">');
function sendCache(i) {
var GCCode = $(cachesToSend[i]).attr('s2cgeo-send');
if (isUseWithoutThirdPartyCookies()) {
var padding = i%10 * 30 + 10;
let sendCache ='' + GCCode, 'send' + GCCode, 'width=200,height=100,top=' + padding +',left=' + padding + ',menubar=no,status=no');
function() {
} else {
$(cachesToSend[i]).find('.s2cgeo').html('<iframe name="' + GCCode + '" src=\"' + GCCode + '\" width="80" height="55">');
$('#s2cgeo-process').html(alreadySend + '/' + cachesToSend.length + ' caches sent');
if (c+1 < cachesToSend.length) {
if (i+1 < cachesToSend.length) {
function () {
Expand All @@ -298,30 +325,40 @@ function s2cgGCMain() {
// This function add the send2cgeo buttons on
// Because jQuery is not supported by some pages, the window.s2geo() function does not work.
// The following function is a workaround to solve this problem.
function buildButton(GCCode, anchorElement, height, imgClass='') {
function buildButton(GCCode, anchor, height, imgClass='') {
// Add s2cg button.
var html = '<a id="s2cg-' + GCCode + '" href="javascript:void(0);" title="Send to c:geo">'
+ '<img class="' + imgClass + '" src="" height="' + height + '"/>'
+ '</a>';


$('#s2cg-' + GCCode).on('click', function() {
// show the box and the "please wait" text
$("#send2cgeo, #send2cgeo div").fadeIn();
// hide iframe for now and wait for page to be loaded
$("#send2cgeo iframe")
.attr("src", "" + GCCode)
if (isUseWithoutThirdPartyCookies()) {
var sendCache ='' + GCCode, 'send' + GCCode, 'width=200,height=100,top=10,left=10,menubar=no,status=no');
function() {
// hide "please wait text" and show iframe
$("#send2cgeo div").hide();
// hide box after 3 seconds
$(this).css("display", "block").parent().delay(3000).fadeOut();
} else {
// show the box and the "please wait" text
$("#send2cgeo, #send2cgeo div").fadeIn();
// hide iframe for now and wait for page to be loaded
$("#send2cgeo iframe")
.attr("src", "" + GCCode)
function() {
// hide "please wait text" and show iframe
$("#send2cgeo div").hide();
// hide box after 3 seconds
$(this).css("display", "block").parent().delay(3000).fadeOut();

Expand All @@ -342,6 +379,7 @@ function s2cgGCMain() {
+ '<iframe style="' + iframeStyle + '"></iframe>'
+ '</div>');

// This function add the send2cgeo buttons on
// Send to c:geo on browsemap (old map)
if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/map/)) {
var template = $("#cacheDetailsTemplate").html();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -555,7 +593,6 @@ function s2cgGCMain() {
var text = $(this).find('.geocache-details').text().split('|');
text = text[0].trim();
var GCCode = text.substr(0, text.length-3).trim();

removeIfAlreadyExists('#s2cg-' + GCCode, $('#s2cg-' + GCCode).parent());

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -583,6 +620,187 @@ function s2cgGCMain() {

oc.innerHTML = oc.innerHTML.replace('</p>', html);

// This will add settings
function save_settings() {
GM_setValue('useWithoutThirdPartyCookies', $('#useWithoutThirdPartyCookies').is(':checked'));

function buildToggle(id, label, info='') {
return '<div class="s2cg_toggle">'
+ ' <label>' + label
+ ' <input type="checkbox" id="' + id + '"' + (GM_getValue(id, false) ? ' checked' : '') + '><span class="slider"></span>'
+ ' </label>'
+ (info != ''
? ' <label for="' + id + '_info" class="s2cg_infoBtn"> ?</label>'
+ ' <input type="checkbox" id="' + id + '_info" class="s2cg_info">'
+ ' <div class="s2cg_info">' + info + '</div>'
: '')
+ '</div>'

// Long info text
var thirdPartyCookiesInfo = 'Chrome blocks third-party cookies by default, because they <b>can be</b> malicious. '
+ 'You can also block third-party cookies in other browsers.<br>"Send to c:geo" uses '
+ 'cookies on and and is therefore a third-party cookie.'
+ '<br>With this option, the cookies are not set via the and '
+ 'pages, but in a pop-up window so that you can continue to use "Send to c:geo".<br>'
+ '<b>Attention: Sending multiple Caches does not work on the search page </b>'
+ '(';

var settingsHTML = '<div id="send2cgeo_settings" style="display:none;">'
+ ' <div id="s2cg_settings_content">'
+ ' <div id="s2cg_settings_header">'
+ ' <h1>Send to c:geo settings</h1>'
+ ' </div>'
// Add options
+ buildToggle('useWithoutThirdPartyCookies', 'Use Send to c:geo without third-party cookies', thirdPartyCookiesInfo)
// Save-Button
+ ' <input type="button" id="send2cgeo_settings_submit" value="Save">'
+ ' </div>'
+ '</div>';

var settingsCSS = '#send2cgeo_settings {'
+ ' position: fixed;'
+ ' background: rgba(31, 31, 31, .7);'
+ ' top: 0;'
+ ' left: 0;'
+ ' width: 100%;'
+ ' height: 100%;'
+ ' z-index: 1111;'
+ ' color: #fff;'
+ '}'

+ '#s2cg_settings_content {'
+ ' position: absolute;'
+ ' top: 50%;'
+ ' left: 50%;'
+ ' width: 60%;'
+ ' -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'
+ ' -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'
+ ' transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'
+ ' background: rgba(31, 31, 31, 1);'
+ ' padding: 1em;'
+ ' border-radius: 1em;'
+ '}'

+ '#s2cg_settings_content p, .s2cg_toggle label, #send2cgeo_settings_submit {'
+ ' font-size: ' + (document.location.href.match(/\.de\/myhome\.php/) ? '1.5' : '1') + 'em !important;'
+ '}'

+ '#send2cgeo_settings_submit {'
+ ' margin-top: 1em;'
+ ' color: rgba(31, 31, 31, 1);'
+ ' border-radius: 5px;'
+ ' cursor: pointer;'
+ ' padding: 0 8px;'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_toggle {'
+ ' padding-left: 1em;'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_toggle label {'
+ ' position: relative;'
+ ' display: inline-block;'
+ ' text-transform: none;'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_toggle input {'
+ ' display: none;'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_toggle .slider {'
+ ' position: absolute;'
+ ' cursor: pointer;'
+ ' margin-left: .5em;'
+ ' width: 2em;'
+ ' height: 1em;'
+ ' background: #c32e04; /* red */'
+ ' transition: all .3s ease-in-out;'
+ ' border-radius: 1em;'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_toggle .slider:before {'
+ ' position: absolute;'
+ ' content: "";'
+ ' height: .6em;'
+ ' width: .6em;'
+ ' left: .2em;'
+ ' bottom: .2em;'
+ ' background: white;'
+ ' border-radius: 50%;'
+ ' transition: all .3s ease-in-out;'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_toggle input:checked + .slider {'
+ ' background: #5a9900; /* green */'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_toggle input:checked + .slider:before {'
+ ' -webkit-transform: translateX(1em);'
+ ' -ms-transform: translateX(1em);'
+ ' transform: translateX(1em);'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_info {'
+ ' display: none;'
+ '}'

+ 'input.s2cg_info:checked + div.s2cg_info {'
+ ' display: block;'
+ '}'

+ 'div.s2cg_info {'
+ ' margin: 0 0 1em 1.5em;'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_infoBtn {'
+ ' cursor:pointer;'
+ ' margin-left:3em;'
+ ' border:2px solid #fff;'
+ ' border-radius:50%;'
+ ' width: 1.5em;'
+ ' height: 1.5em;'
+ ' padding-left: .3em;'
+ ' font-weight: bold;'
+ ' box-sizing: border-box;'
+ '}'

+ '.s2cg_infoBtn:hover {'
+ ' background: #9f9f9f;'
+ '}';

if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/account\/dashboard/) || document.location.href.match(/\.com\/my\/default.aspx/) || document.location.href.match(/\.de\/myhome\.php/)) {
$('head').append('<style>' + settingsCSS + '</style>');
// new Dashboard
if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/account\/dashboard/)) {
$('.bio-meta').append('<a id="s2cg_openSettings" href="javascript:void(0)" style="display:block;">Send to c:geo settings</a>');
// new Dashboard
if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/my\/default.aspx/)) {
$('#ctl00_ContentBody_WidgetMiniProfile1_memberProfileLink').parent().append(' | <a id="s2cg_openSettings" href="javascript:void(0)">Send to c:geo settings</a>');
if (document.location.href.match(/\.de\/myhome\.php/)) {
$('.content2-pagetitle').after('<div class="content2-container bg-blue02" style="margin-top:20px;">'
+ ' <p class="content-title-noshade-size3">'
+ ' <img src="" style="margin-right:10px;" height="22px" />'
+ ' Send to c:geo <span class="content-title-link"><a id="s2cg_openSettings" href="javascript:void(0)">Settings</a></span>'
+ ' </p>'
+ '</div>');
// Open and Save settings
$('#s2cg_openSettings').on('click', function() {
$('#send2cgeo_settings').css('display', 'unset');
$('#send2cgeo_settings_submit').on('click', function() {
$('#send2cgeo_settings').css('display', 'none');


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