My development setup. Includes dotfiles/configs, apps, tools, vscode extensions, neovim plugins, etc.
- zsh - a Unix shell
- oh-my-zsh - zsh config with bells and whistles
- zsh-syntax-highlighting - syntax highlighting for zsh
- zsh-autosuggestions - autosuggestions for zsh
- starship - shell prompt
- ranger - terminal file manager
- bat - same as
but with syntax highlighting - exa - same as
but with syntax highlighting - fasd - quick access to files and directories
- erdtree - better tree
- git - version control tool
- tig - text-mode interface for git
- scm_breeze - a set of shell scripts that enhance your interaction with git
- fzf - command-line fuzzy finder
- ripgrep -
alternative - fd - find files and folders. same as
but better
- curl - command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax
- httpie - command-line HTTP client
- neovim - terminal text editor
- LunarVim - neovim with plugins for development
- Neovide - GUI for Neovim
- - cheat sheets in terminal
- tldr - community-maintained help pages
- navi - interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- zk - zettelkasten tool for creating notes and personal wiki
- tmux - terminal multiplexer
- .tmux - tmux config
- zellij - modern tmux replacement
- htop - interactive process viewer
- xclip - cli clipboard
- yank - copy terminal output to clipboard
- jq - command-line JSON processor
- jid - Json Incremental Digger
- VSCode - IDE
- Firefox - web browser
- Postman - API platform for building and using API
- flameshot - screenshot tool
- keepassxc - local password manager
- dbeaver - multi-platform database client
- guake - terminal emulator
- alacritty - terminal emulator
- Albert - launcher fox linux
- Opensnitch - linux application firewall
- rofi - launcher
- firejail - sandbox
- peek - animated GIF recorder
- Settings Sync - synchronize settings
- VSCode Neovim - neovim navigation in vscode
- MetaJump - fast cursor moving using only keyboard
- Jumpy2 - jump around using keyboard (alternative to MetaJump)
- Code Spell Checker - spell checker
- LTeX – LanguageTool grammar/spell checking
- Live Share - enables you to collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time
- Error Lens - inline errors
- Todo Tree - this extension quickly searches your workspace for comment tags like TODO and FIXME, and displays them in a tree view in the activity bar
- Markdown All in One - tools to work with markdown
- Markdown Preview Enhanced - markdown preview
- SQL Formatter - format SQL files
- shell-format - format shell files
- Integration - draw diagrams in vscode
- GitLens — Git integration
- Toggle Quotes - toggle quotes with a shortcut
- Better Comments - colorize comments
- TabOut - tabbing out from parentheses, quotes, and similar contexts
- Foam - zettelkasten note-taking tool
- DevToys - useful tools for developers
- Activitus Bar - smaller activity bar
- Customize UI - Advanced VSCode user interface customizations. Can be used as alternative to "Activitus Bar" above.
- LunarVim Core Plugins List - plugins used in LunarVim
- Trouble - show errors in-line
- vim-prettier - prettier for vim
- vim-visual-multi - multi-select in vim, similar to ctrl + d in vscode
- vim-fugitive - vim git plugin
- nvim-ts-rainbow - rainbow parentheses
- indent-blankline - adds indentation guides to all lines
- coc.nvim - snippets
- coc-spell-checker - spell checker
- persistence - automated session management
- todo-comments - highlight todo comments
- rnvimr - use ranger file manager in a floating window inside vim
- hop - EasyMotion-like plugin allowing you to jump anywhere in a document with as few keystrokes as possible
- diffview - easily cycling through diffs for all modified files
- tabout.nvim - tabbing out from parentheses, quotes, and similar contexts
- hosts - hosts file to block malicious sites, trackers, ads, etc.