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Small webapp to demonstrate one way to setup websockets with spring framework version 3.x.

Please read the blog post for a more detailed introduction.

This application sets up a websocket server endpoint with uri /wstest which will use a @Autowired spring bean to select a greeting word and reply to a websocket message.

The websocket connection is initiated and the messages are sent by either an html page (index.html) running in a browser that supports websockets or by a small JavaFx application lauched by java webstart.

How does it work

It works around the Servlet container's scan for WebSocket endpoints by not using the @ServerEndpoint annotation and instead implementing a ServerEndpointConfig and adding it to the server container upon servlet context initialization.

This way, the endpoint instance will be provided by SpringConfigurator, which means it can itself be a spring bean and/or it can have spring dependencies automatically injected with the @Autowired annotation.

Maven - building and running


JDK 8.0.5+

Code signing certificate

Because of Java Web Start security, you need to get a code signing certificate and create a profile in your maven settings.xml file with the following properties:

		<keystore.type>KEYSTORE_TYPE (ex. pkcs12)</keystore.type>

This will allow you to sign your application with a verifiable certificate.

For this project you can use a free open source code signing certificate from certum (

To build the websocket-server.war file execute the maven command mvn -Pmycert package (use the profile you created in settings.xml).


You can run the webapp with jetty with the maven command mvn jetty:deploy-war -f websocket-server/pom.xml

  • start your browser and access the url http://localhost:8080/websocket-test/index.html
  • choose between HTML5 web page client or a JavaFX 2 rich-client application (The JavaFX 2 application will be launched by java web start after downloading the descriptor websocket-client.jnlp)
  • follow the directions.

To start the client application in debug mode, execute javaws -J-Xdebug -J-Xnoagent -J-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=65099 "$HOME/Downloads/websocket-client.jnlp"

You can also launch the JavaFx Application directly from maven with the command mvn exec:java -f websocket-client/pom.xml

WildFly 8

You can also deploy and run websocket-test in WildFly 8:

  • add websocket-test.war to `WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/deployments
  • start WildFly 8
  • start your browser and access the url http://localhost:8080/websocket-test/index.html
  • type a message, press the button "Send" and see the response message.

Happy testing :)

Note: SpringConfigurator was developed by Rossen Stoyanchev and introduced in spring-core version 4.0.

Creative Commons License

websocket-test is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


setup websocket with spring framework 3.x






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