requirements Java 1.8.0_40+
Before running, edit the file and fill in the details of your message broker:
broker_hostname = <ip address or hostname where the broker is running>
broker_port = <port where the broker listens to (default=1414)>
broker_channel = <channel name>
broker_queue_manager = <queue manager name>
broker_timeout = <timeout in milliseconds when waiting for a messsage response>
On Mac OSX the file is located inside the application package (right click and select "show package contents"), in the folder Contents/Java.
On Windows the file is located in the app folder.
Please find Windows and OS X binary distributions at bintray with the following link
The project is configured as a maven project
Deployment to bintray at
build requirements JDK 1.8.0_40+ Maven 3.1+
Common maven goals:
run the application as a HornetQ client: mvn -f mqc-hornetq/pom.xml exec:java
run the application as a ActiveMQ client: mvn -f mqc-activemq/pom.xml exec:java
make an application package as a HornetQ client: mvn -f mqc-hornetq/pom.xml package
make an application package as a ActiveMQ client: mvn -f mqc-activemq/pom.xml package
Main class is