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A Terraform Module that helps you create projects for Google Cloud Platform.


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Terraform Google Project

A Terraform Module that helps you create projects for Google Cloud Platform.


By default, the module creates the following regional resources:

  • a GCP project with a randomized but memorable project ID and name
  • a new project service account, replacing the default account
  • a Terraform state bucket in the host project for the project's state
  • a KMS keyring and encryption key for asymmetric encryption/decryption
  • a GCS bucket for logging access to the project storage bucket, with encryption enabled using the project's KMS key
  • a GCS bucket for project-wide storage of sensitive objects, with encryption enabled using the project's KMS key
  • a VPC network configured as a service network on the Shared VPC host network
  • a default firewall rule blocking SSH from anywhere but inside of GCP Cloud Console

Only the GCP project itself and the service account are required. Everything else is optional and configurable.


Include batteries, and be minimal

Make it easy to create a GCP project with network topology and security best practices provided by default, while not adding anything that isn't strictly necessary.

Play nice with others

Avoid hiding inputs or outputs, except where it makes sense to do so, and use naming conventions and descriptions from provider documentation.

Give people options

Provide a modular design, so people can use what they want and ignore what they don't.

Make it easy to use

Follow HashCorps's standards for module design and the examples set in modules like hashicorp/terraform-consul.

Create a good developer experience

Use HCL and Terraform as idiomatically as possible, including:


Name Description Type Default
billing_account The billing account ID to enable for this project. string -
host_project The project ID of the GCP project used by Terraform to create this project. string -
organization_id The ID of your organization in GCP Cloud Console. string -
auto_create_network Create the 'default' network automatically. string false
auto_create_subnets Whether or not to automatically create subnets on this VPC. string false
create_encryption_resources Whether or not to create GCP KMS resources. If 'true', all encrypted resources will use the customer-managed key. string true
create_project_bucket Whether or not to create a GCS bucket for this project. If 'true', a logging bucket will automatically be created and logging will be enabled. If configure_kms is 'true, any buckets created will be configured with encryption enabled using your project's KMS key. string true
create_ssh_fw_rule If true, this will create a firewall rule preventing SSH access from anywhere but within Cloud Console. string true
create_tfstate_bucket Whether or not to create a bucket for Terraform state in your host_project, if defined. string true
create_vpc_network Whether or not to create a VPC network for the project. If 'true', this will try to configure this project as a service project on the host project's VPC network's shared subnet. string true
custom_id Custom project ID if not using random_id. Either custom_id must be specified or random_id must be true. string ``
display_name The name that will be displayed in GCP Cloud Console's interface. string ``
enable_apis Which APIs to enable for this project. list [ "", "" ]
flow_logs Whether to enable flow logging for the Shared VPC subnetwork. string true
folder_id A folder to create this project under. If none is provided, the project will be created under the organization. string ``
gcloud_credentials Path to the service account credentials used by the Terraform host project. string ~/.config/gcloud/credentials.json
host_dns_zone The VPC host network's managed DNS zone. string ``
id_prefix A prefix to use with your custom_id or random_id. string ``
labels A set of key/value label pairs to assign to the project. map { "environment": "development" }
network_name A unique name for the network, required by GCE. string ``
private_access Whether to allow private access to Google APIs without an external IP address. string true
project_storage_class The storage class to use for your project's storage and logging buckets. string REGIONAL
random_id Whether or not to generate a random project ID. Either custom_id must be specified or random_id must be true. string true
random_prefix Whether or not to generate a random prefix for your project ID. If you want to use a custom_id and don't want a prefix, set this to 'false' and don't set a value for id_prefix. string true
region The preferred region to use for resources that require a region to be defined. string us-central1
routing_mode Sets the network-wide routing mode for Cloud Routers to use. Accepted values are 'GLOBAL' or 'REGIONAL'. string REGIONAL
skip_delete If true, the Terraform resource can be deleted without deleting the Project via the Google API. string false
subnet_name The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. string ``
tfstate_storage_class The storage class to use for your Terraform state bucket. string REGIONAL


Name Description
id The project ID.
kms Project KMS resource details.
labels A set of key/value label pairs to assign to the project.
name The display name of the project.
number The numeric identifier of the project.
service_account Project default service account details.
storage Project GCS bucket details.
tfstate_bucket Project Terraform state bucket details.
vpc Project VPC network details.

Check _docs/graph.png for the Terraform graph.


// Create a default project
module "my-project" {
  source  = "carlodicelico/terraform-google-project"
  version = "~> 0.3.0"

  // these can also be passed from the environment with TF_VAR_billing_account, for example
  billing_account = "bar"
  host_dns_zone   = "my-host-dns-zone"
  host_project    = "my-host-project"
  organization_id = "foo"

  // override the generated display name
  display_name = "Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems"

  // enable some additional APIs
  enable_apis = [

// Add an additional VPC network
module "another-vpc" {
  source  = "carlodicelico/terraform-google-project//modules/vpc"
  version = "~> 0.3.0"

  // but skip the SSH firewall rule on this one
  create_ssh_fw_rule = "false"
  host_dns_zone      = "${}"
  host_project       = "${my-host-project-id}"
  project_id         = "${}"

See also the included examples.

How do I contribute?

Contributions are welcome! Check out CONTRIBUTING for instructions.

How is this Module versioned?

This Module follows the principles of Semantic Versioning. You can find each new release, along with the changelog, in the CHANGELOG.

During initial development, the major version will be 0 (e.g., 0.x.y), which indicates the code does not yet have a stable API. Once we hit 1.0.0, we will make every effort to maintain a backwards compatible API and use the MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH versions on each release to indicate any incompatibilities.


This code is released under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE for more details.


A Terraform Module that helps you create projects for Google Cloud Platform.








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