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Library containing map/reduce utility functions for Riak implemented in erlang.

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The riak_mapreduce_utils module contains a collection of nine mapreduce utility functions implemented in Erlang.

map_indexlink and map_indexinclude allow master-detail relationships to be defined and managed through secondary indexes (2i) instead of links. These functions rely on a reference to the master record being set as a secondary index on each of the detail records. Unlike when using links to manage master-detail relationships, this method allows detail records to be added or deleted without having to update the master record.

map_indexlink allows retrieval of master record from the detail record based on the 2i in a manner similar to how links work.

map_indexinclude allows retrieval of detail records linked to a master record through an index query.

map_link enables flexible addition of linked records to the result set.

map_metafilter allows records to be filtered out from the result set based on Bucket and meta data (2i and user metadata).

map_delete allows deletes to be performed where the data resides. This complements the reduce phase delete function available through Basho contrib. It can be configured to only process records belonging to a specific Bucket.

map_id returns readable bucket and key pairs.

map_key returns readable keys.

map_datasize returns the size of the stored object.

map_readrepair performs a read repair on the record passed in.


Check out and compile the module by opening an erlang shell with the directory the module file resides in as part of the path as shown below.

$> git clone [email protected]:whitenode/riak_mapreduce_utils.git
$> cd riak_mapreduce_utils
$> erl -pa .
Erlang R15B (erts-5.9) [source] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.9  (abort with ^G)
1> c(riak_mapreduce_utils.erl).

The compiled file must then be deployed to all nodes in the cluster. This is done by placing the riak_mapreduce_utils.beam file in a directory indicated by the add_paths parameter in the riak_kv section of the app.config file. Please see the Basho Wiki for further details.

Function Reference

This section contains more detailed information about the configuration, usage and behaviour of the functions provided in this module.

The examples provided assume we have test data in the two buckets named master and detail. The records in the detail bucket have a reference to the appropriate master in a binary secondary index called fk_master_bin.

The records in the details bucket also have a secondary integer index defined named idx_int as well as a metadata field called type. These have been added for use with the last of the four functions, map_metafilter.

The m1 master record also contains 2 links to detail records. These are there to allow examples using the map_link function.

As these mapping functions do not operate on the record data in any way, this has been set to a generic string.

The records can be created through curl as follows:

$> curl -X POST \
    -d 'm1_data' \
    -H 'Link: </buckets/detail/keys/d1>; riaktag="first"' \
    -H 'Link: </buckets/detail/keys/d3>; riaktag="last"' \

$> curl -X POST \
    -d 'm2_data' \ 

$> curl -X POST \
    -H 'x-riak-index-fk_master_bin: m1' \
    -H 'x-riak-index-idx_int: 12' \
    -H 'x-riak-meta-type: X' \
    -d 'd1_data' \ 

$> curl -X POST \
    -H 'x-riak-index-fk_master_bin: m1' \
    -H 'x-riak-index-idx_int: 68' \
    -H 'x-riak-meta-type: Y' \
    -d 'd2_data' \ 

$> curl -X POST \
    -H 'x-riak-index-fk_master_bin: m1' \
    -H 'x-riak-index-idx_int: 125' \
    -H 'x-riak-meta-type: X' \
    -d 'd3_data' \ 

$> curl -X POST \
    -H 'x-riak-index-fk_master_bin: m2' \
    -H 'x-riak-index-idx_int: 9' \
    -H 'x-riak-meta-type: Y' \
    -d 'd4_data' \ 


The map_id function takes one optional argument, the name of the bucket to print IDs from. If specified, records belonging to a bucket different from the one specified will be filtered out. If the parameter is not specified, the IDs of all records that are passed to the function will be output.


This example lists all IDs currently present in the detail bucket.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{


The map_key function takes one optional argument, the name of the bucket to print keys from. If specified, records belonging to a bucket different from the one specified will be filtered out. If the parameter is not specified, the keys of all records that are passed to the function will be output.


This example specifies that only keys belonging to the detail bucket are to be output, and the record belonging to the master bucket is therefore suppressed.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
    "inputs":[["detail","d3"],["master","m1"],["detail", "d1"]],


The map_delete function takes one optional argument, the name of the bucket to delete records from. If this parameter (a string) is defined, it will only delete records that belong to this bucket. If no argument is specified, it will delete any record passed into it.

The function returns the number of records deleted and can be used together with riak_kv_mapreduce:reduce_sum to get the total number of records deleted through the job.


Delete all records in a bucket

This example deletes all records belonging to the detail bucket and returns a count of the number of records deleted.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{

Delete only record passed in that belong to the detail bucket

The following example contains a filter for only deleting records belonging to the detail bucket. Of the 2 records passed in, only the one from the detail bucket is deleted.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
     "inputs":[["master", "m1"],["detail", "d4"]],


The map_indexlink function allows retrieval of related records through secondary index links in a way similar to how link walking works. It does assume that the link is specified through a secondary index, which contains a reference (key) to another record. This allows the retrieval of e.g. a master record based on a detail record.

The function takes a JSON formatted argument that specifies how the linking is done and what index that is to be used.

The function can be configured to return either both the source and target records or just the resulting target record.


The configuration string must be a correctly formatted JSON document and may contain the following 4 fields:

bucket - Name of the bucket containing records to be processed. If a record is encountered that does not belong to the specified bucket, it will be passed straight through based on the keep parameter described below.

This is an optional field, and if no source is specified, all records passed in will be processed.

target - This field is mandatory and must contain the name of the bucket the operation should link to. The value of this parameter will be used together with the index value to create the target object ID.

indexname - This field is mandatory and must contain the name of the index to be used for the linking.

retain - This parameter is optional and defaults to true. It specifies whether the input should be retained as part of the result set or not. If set to false, only records retrieved through the link are returned.

Below is an example of a valid configuration based on the testdata specified above.


If a single detail record is processed by a function with this configuration, it will return just the master record as it is configured to not keep the input record in the result set.

Note that the link is evaluated once for every record passed in, so if multiple detail records belonging to the same master record are passed on, there may be multiple occurances of the master record as a result.


Retrieving master record related to single detail record

The following example takes a single detail record as input and returns this record (detail:d2) together with the master record (master:m1) it is related to as no value was specified for the keep parameter passed to the function.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{

Retrieving master record related to single detail record while dropping the input

This example returns the master record only (master:m1), as the input to the map phase function (detail:d2) is configured to be dropped.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{


As the function relies on secondary indexes, it requires a storage backend that supports secondary indexes to be used, e.g. eleveldb.


In the example data provided, the link between detail records and their respective master is created through a secondary index on the detail records (fk_master_bin). map_indexinclude makes it possible to retrieve such detail records based on the master record.

This function complements map_indexlink in that it allows processing of the relationship the other way.

The function takes a JSON formatted argument that specifies how the linking is done and what index that is to be used.


The configuration string must be a correctly formatted JSON document and may contain the following 4 fields:

bucket - Name of the bucket containing records to be processed. This is a mandatory field and only records belonging to this bucket will be processed. If a record is encountered that does not belong to the specified bucket, it will be passed straight through based on the retain parameter described below

target - This field is mandatory and must contain the name of the bucket the operation should link to.

indexname - Thi field is mandatory and must contain the name of the index on the target bucket that is to be used.

retain - This parameter is optional and detaults to true. It specifies whether the input should be retained as part of the result set or not. If set to false, only records retrieved through the link are returned.


Retrieve all detail records related to a specific master record

This example takes a single master record and retrieves all related detail records. As retain is set to false, the original master record that the fetch was based on is excluded from the result set, and only the appropriate detail records are returned.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{


As the function relies on secondary indexes, it requires a storage backend that supports secondary indexes to be used, e.g. eleveldb.


This function allows records referenced through links to be added to the result set in a similar way as to how a standard link phase works. It only follows links on the record being processed and allows the records links are found on to be passed on as part of the result set.

The function takes a JSON formatted argument that specifies which records to process links on and which tags to follow.


The configuration string must be a correctly formatted JSON document and may contain the following 3 fields:

bucket - Mandatory field containing the name of the bucket containing records that are to have links processed. If this is not specified all records, regardless of bucket, will be processed for links. If a record is encountered that does not belong to the specified bucket (if one exists), it will be passed straight through based on the retain parameter described below

tags - This field is optional and must contain the tag (or list of tags) to follow when link-walking. If this parameter is not specified, or is set to "_", all links will be followed.

retain - This parameter is optional and defaults to true. It specifies whether the input should be retained as part of the result set or not. If set to false, only records retrieved through links are returned.

Below is an example of a valid configuration based on the testdata specified above.



Follow all links while retaining input records

This example follows all links on records belonging to the master bucket. As retain is not specified, all input records will also be passed through and form part of the result set.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{

Follow select links while retaining input records

This example follows only links tagged 'first' on records belonging to the master bucket. As retain is not specified, all input records will also be passed through and form part of the result set.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{


map_metafilter allow records to be filtered out from the result set through configurable criteria based on content agnostic meta data, i.e. secondary indexes, user meta data and bucket name.

If a record matches all the criteria configured for the filter, it will be dropped/excluded while other records will be passed through to the next step.


The configuration string must be a correctly formatted and escaped JSON document and may contain the following 2 fields, out of which at least one needs to be present:

bucket - Name of the bucket containing records to be filtered. If a record is encountered that does not belong to the specified bucket, it will be passed straight through and not processed with respect to criteria by the function.

This is an optional field, and if no bucket is specified, all records passed in will be processed.

criteria - This field contains a list of criteria. These will be evaluated against the record, and if ALL of them evaluate to true, the record will be filtered out.

A criteria consists of an operation, a field to operate on and a parameter.

Fields can be either a secondary index (specified as "index:<index name>") or user metadata field (specified as "meta:<meta data name>").

The following operations are allowed:

  • "eq" takes a single parameter and will evaluate to true if the field value is equal to the parameter. Example: "["eq","index:idx_int","12"]"

  • "neq" takes a single parameter and will evaluate to true if the field value is NOT equal to the parameter. Example: "["neq","index:idx_int","12"]"

  • "greater_than" takes a single parameter and will evaluate to true if the field value is strictly greater than the parameter value. If the field value is an integer, an attempt will be made to convert the parameter to integer and perform the evaluation based on these. If this fails, the field value will be converted to binary and compared to the parameter. Example: "["greater_than","index:idx_int","12"]"

  • "greater_than_eq" takes a single parameter and will evaluate to true if the field value is greater than or equal to the parameter value. If the field value is an integer, an attempt will be made to convert the parameter to integer and perform the evaluation based on these. If this fails, the field value will be converted to binary and compared to the parameter. Example: "["greater_than_eq","meta:X-Riak-Meta-Type","Y"]"

  • "less_than" takes a single parameter and will evaluate to true if the field value is strictly less than the parameter value. If the field value is an integer, an attempt will be made to convert the parameter to integer and perform the evaluation based on these. If this fails, the field value will be converted to binary and compared to the parameter. Example: "["less_than","index:idx_int","56"]"

  • "less_than_eq" takes a single parameter and will evaluate to true if the field value is less than or equal to the parameter value. If the field value is an integer, an attempt will be made to convert the parameter to integer and perform the evaluation based on these. If this fails, the field value will be converted to binary and compared to the parameter. Example: "["less_than_eq","index:idx_int","12"]"

Below is an example of a valid configuration based on the testdata specified above.



Filtering all records from a specific bucket

This example filters out all records belonging to the master bucket and keeps everything else.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{

Filtering based on meta field

This example filters based on the X-Riak-Meta-Type field and drops all records that have this field set to X.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{

Filtering based on index field

This example shows how to filter based on a secondary integer index. It filters out all detail records that have an index value less than or equal to 68.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{

Composite filtering of specific bucket

The example below shows how to filter out all the records that have an integer index value between 10 and 100, including the edge values.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{


The map_datasize function returns the size of the value stored in bytes. If there are siblings present, it returns the combined size of these values.


This example sums up the size of data for all records in the master bucket.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{


The map_readrepair function performs a read-repair on records passed in and returns nothing.


This example performs a read-repair on all records in the master bucket.

$> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{


Library containing map/reduce utility functions for Riak implemented in erlang.






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