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Releases: cda-tum/mqt-workflows

MQT Reusable Workflows 1.1.4 Release

01 Jul 13:22
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👀 What Changed

Fixes yet another small mistake in the autoupdate workflow, which should now finally be functional.

🐛 Bug Fixes

🤖 CI

⬆️ Dependencies

Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4

MQT Reusable Workflows 1.1.3 Release

21 Jun 11:39
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👀 What Changed

Faster pure Python packaging builds powered by uv and fixes for the MQT Core autoupdate workflow.

🚀 Features and Enhancements

  • ⚡📦 use uv for packaging builds in pure Python projects @burgholzer (#11)

🐛 Bug Fixes

🤖 CI

📦 Packaging

  • ⚡📦 use uv for packaging builds in pure Python projects @burgholzer (#11)

⬆️ Dependencies

Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.1.3

MQT Reusable Workflows 1.1.2 Release

20 Jun 17:11
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👀 What Changed

This quick release reverts the change from v1.1.1 that required a token for the auto-update workflow.
Furthermore, it adds an option for updating the mqt-core version to the latest commit on main.

🚀 Features and Enhancements

🤖 CI

⬆️ Dependencies

Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2

MQT Reusable Workflows 1.1.1 Release

19 Jun 15:08
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👀 What Changed

Explicitly require a token for the PR creation in the MQT Core auto update workflow. Can be set to {{ github.token }} if no Personal Access Token with repo (and potentially workflow permissions) has been created.

🚀 Features and Enhancements

  • 💥 require token for creating pull requests in auto update @burgholzer (#8)

🤖 CI

  • 💥 require token for creating pull requests in auto update @burgholzer (#8)

⬆️ Dependencies

  • 💥 require token for creating pull requests in auto update @burgholzer (#8)

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1

MQT Reusable Workflows 1.1.0 Release

19 Jun 07:05
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👀 What Changed

  • ♻️⚡updates cibuildwheel to 2.19, which supports uv as a faster python package manager
    Downstream packages should set

    # ...
    build-frontend = "build[uv]"
    # ...
  • 🔧 In addition, downstream packages might want to update their Windows cibuildwheel commands and set them to

    # ...
    before-build = "pip install delvewheel>=1.4.0"
    repair-wheel-command = "delvewheel repair -w {dest_dir} {wheel} --namespace-pkg mqt"
    # ...

    which enables proper handling of the mqt.* namespace package on Windows.

  • ✨ Adds a reusable workflow for automatically updating a FetchContent-managed mqt-core dependency
    Downstream projects that depend on MQT Core should have a cmake/ExternalDependencies.cmake file, which contains (an adaptation of) the following lines

    # cmake-format: off
    set(MQT_CORE_VERSION 2.5.1
        CACHE STRING "MQT Core version")
    set(MQT_CORE_REV "0e4ff9e0521886449027b252c65913e1afa863b0"
        CACHE STRING "MQT Core identifier (tag, branch or commit hash)")
    # cmake-format: on

    Note that the # cmake-format: off and # cmake-format: on are required to have the version and tag appear on the same line.

🚀 Features and Enhancements

🤖 CI

⬆️ Dependencies

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0

MQT Reusable Workflows 1.0.1 Release

25 May 07:54
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👀 What Changed

  • Added a files-changed-only option to the cpp-linter workflow that can be used to trigger a full clang-tidy run. See cda-tum/mqt-core#611 for a demo on how to use this feature.
  • Simplified the coverage collection. The uploader now uses OIDC instead of tokens and it aggregates all Python reports before uploading. See cda-tum/mqt-core#612 for a demo PR on how to adapt to this change.

🚀 Features and Enhancements

🤖 CI

⬆️ Dependencies

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1

MQT Reusable Workflows Initial Release

23 May 09:41
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✨ Initial Release ✨

This marks the first official release of the MQT Reusable Workflows project.
The workflows were originally hosted on the MQT Core repository and have now been moved to a separate repository in order to get a better separation of concerns and allow for separate versioning of the workflows and MQT Core.

Compared to the latest version of the workflows in MQT Core (v2.5.0), the clang-tidy version has been updated to v18 and the default Z3 version has been raised to 4.13.0.