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Summer 2012 release

sdreher edited this page Jul 10, 2012 · 6 revisions

Release: May 29, 2012
Branch: sliding_content merged into master


Just in time for summer: a new release of Mediathread is now live on production at Columbia University; now code developed for this release in the sliding_content branch has been merged.

The Summer 2012 release features a new panels interface for assignments, responses, and instructor feedback. Students responding to an assignment posted by an instructor are now able to access the assignment (and embedded media) while composing a response. Instructors, in turn, are able to reference both the original assignment as well as a student's responding composition when posting feedback. Panels that allow users to view and embed media connected to assignments, compositions, and feedback may be opened and closed 'in place' as needed.

The new interface works across browsers and screen resolution settings in order to maximize screen real estate when users are creating and assessing assigned compositions. It is designed to further bolster Mediathread's support for assignment-driven selection and citation of multimedia drawn from a wide range of digital collections. Other UI improvements have been made to edit, save, collaboration, and publishing designations for compositions, as well as the display of selected media within discussion boards.

Thanks to the Mediathread team at Columbia for work on this new interface, which has involved substantial planning, design, and testing. We will be monitoring use of the new assignments UI closely in courses this summer, in order to fold improvements into the Mediathread's Fall 2012 release, scheduled for August 24.

Release Notes

South integration.

To update your database follow these steps:

  • Perform a ./ syncdb
  • Run "Fakes" for each application ./ migrate assetmgr 0001 --fake
    ./ migrate djangosherd 0001 --fake
    ./ migrate mediathread_main 0001 --fake
    ./ migrate projects 0001 --fake
    ./ migrate structuredcollaboration 0001 --fake

Flowplayer Upgraded

We've updated our flowplayer installation to 3.2.9 to resolve a few bugs and to prepare for audio integration for our next release.

Submodule minimization

Mediathread now only contains the sherd.js submodule. Other submodules (django-modelversions, threadedcomments, etc.) are being accessed from library modules now.

Lettuce Testing

Integrated BDD test framework Lettuce. In conjunction with Selenium, we're working to develop a strong test suite. Instructions on how to run tests are here.