assert_valid_asset is a plugin to validate your (X)HTML and CSS using the W3C Validator web service ( and the W3C CSS Validation Service ( as part of your functional or unit tests. The css and html fragments are cached in $RAILS_ROOT/tmp/test/assets as are the results from the web service. This means that your tests will not be slowed down unless the output has changed.
The code started life as a few modifications to Scott Raymond’s assert_valid_markup ( and evolved to cache fragments and results in $RAILS_ROOT/tmp/test/assets rather than the system temp directory. Then the ability to validate CSS files was added. I also added the ability to skip checks if the “NONET” environment variable is set to “true”.
A more recent version made it possible to display the content with the line numbers by adding a line such as “self.display_invalid_content = true” into test_helper.rb in the Test::Unit::TestCase class.
The ability to automatically validate content generated as a result of a action can be enabled by adding the line “self.auto_validate = true” into test_helper.rb in the Test::Unit::TestCase class. This will generate content according to the mime type of content. (x)html will be passed to assert_valid_markup and css will be passed to assert_valid_css. You can also exclude specific tests by putting them into an an auto_validate_excludes or instead can choose to only include tests in list auto_validate_includes.
i.e. The following will automatically validate content generated in the test_foo and test_bar tests.
class Test::Unit::TestCase self.auto_validate = true end class FooControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase self.auto_validate_excludes = [:test_baz] def test_foo; ... ; end def test_bar; ... ; end def test_baz; ... ; end end
i.e. The following will automatically validate content generated in the test_baz test.
class Test::Unit::TestCase self.auto_validate = true end class FooControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase self.auto_validate_includes = [:test_baz] def test_foo; ... ; end def test_bar; ... ; end def test_baz; ... ; end end
# Calling the assertion with no parameters validates whatever is in @request.body, # which is automatically set by the existing get/post/etc helpers. For example: class FooControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_bar_markup get :bar assert_valid_markup end end # Add a string parameter to the assertion to validate any random fragment. For example: class FooControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_bar_markup assert_valid_markup "<div>Hello, world.</div>" end end # For the ultimate in convenience, use the class-level method to validate a slew of # actions in one line. Par exemple: class FooControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase assert_valid_markup :bar, :baz, :qux end
# Pass a string parameter to the assertion to validate a css fragment. For example: class FooControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_bar_css assert_valid_css("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/stylesheets/bar.css",'rb').read) end end # For the ultimate in convenience, use the class-level method to validate a slew of # css files in one line. Assumes that the CSS files are relative to # $RAILS_ROOT/public/stylesheets/ and end with '.css'. The following example validates # $RAILS_ROOT/public/stylesheets/layout.css, $RAILS_ROOT/public/stylesheets/standard.css # and $RAILS_ROOT/public/stylesheets/theme.css class FooControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase assert_valid_css_files 'layout', 'standard', 'theme' end
License: Released under the MIT license. Latest Version:
Scott Raymond <[email protected]> for the initial version. Peter Donald <peter at realityforge dot org> to add validation of CSS files and fix caching. Simon Stapleton for inspiration to add who added support display_invalid_content. Clifford T. Matthews fix for ruby 1.8.5 and configuration of server endpoints. Tomasz Wegrzanowski for replacing class variables with class_inheritable_accessor. Cédric Deltheil for ensuring process_with_auto_validate returns the response. Nick Plante for fixing css validation. Chris Hapgood <[email protected]> for dynamic detection of offline mode, Rails 2.3 forward porting and general upkeep Michael Reinsch <[email protected]> for css validation enhancements.