These are GeoJSON and CSV datasets related to public transit in Metro Vancouver. The datasets are derived from the TransLink Open API and GTFS Static Transit datasets.
GitHub can show previews of these GeoJSON and CSV files.
Location: datasets/route-patterns/
These are the patterns for TransLink bus routes, in GeoJSON format. A pattern is a distinct path taken by a bus route. The GeoJSON files can be previewed in the GitHub interface.
Patterns are grouped by route number.
Filenames are of the form [route number]-[direction]-[pattern number].geojson
If a pattern exists but its geometry is not available,
the filename will end in .missing
Each GeoJSON file contains a single Feature. Its properties include metadata about the route and pattern. For instance:
"properties": {
"destination": "SFU",
"direction": "NORTH",
"name": "144-NB1",
"operating-company": "CMBC",
"pattern-number": "NB1",
"route-name": "SFU/METROTOWN STN",
"route-number": "144",
"stroke": "#267cff",
"stroke-width": 3.0
This dataset comes from the TransLink Open API. Pattern geometry originates from KMZ.
Location: datasets/shapes/
This is a set of all of TransLink's GTFS Static Transit shapes in GeoJSON. Shapes are grouped in folders by numeric shape ID divided by 100.
Each file is one GeoJSON Feature with a LineString geometry
and an id
Shape IDs are not directly meaningful. They have an indirect relationship to routes via trip definitions.
Location: datasets/stops.geojson
This is a GeoJSON FeatureCollection that
contains all of TransLink's stops.
It's derived from stops.txt
in TransLink's GTFS Static Transit dataset.
Each stop is a Feature with a Point geometry. Its properties include metadata about the stop. For instance:
"properties": {
"code": "55079",
"desc": "123A ST @ 99 AVE",
"id": "5131",
"name": "SB 123A ST FS 99 AVE",
"zone": "ZN 99"
Stops are sorted by their ID.
Location: datasets/stops.csv
This is stops.txt
in TransLink's GTFS Static Transit dataset,
sorted by stop ID.
Route and arrival data used in this product or service is provided by permission of TransLink. TransLink assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or currency of the Data used in this product or service.
File any issues at
This is a project by Carson Lam - @carsonyl.